Path of Exile


<Bronze Donator>
LPS does nothing if you have 2 Bloodseekers equipped. Pretty sure the increased damage while leeching is void as well.

Item history is documented on the wiki.


Bronze Baron of the Realm
Life leech for each hand on the character sheet goes up with it equipped and down when not equipped. Also while attacking the number on the character sheet goes up as well for each hand. I asked EE about it on his stream last night, said he tried it since it's his fit and it worked as well. Primary hand goes from1.5% to 5.X% while not attack and takes another jump while attacking.


<Bronze Donator>
That seems counterintuitive. I wonder if the game applies the LPS increase before Bloodseeker makes it instant. If so, increases to LPS + Bloodseeker could be pretty powerful. I'm trying out a LoH build now since that seems pretty close to old VP.


Bronze Baron of the Realm

Top is with it equipped, bottom is without. It goes up as while attacking but attacking and getting a screenshot a PITA.

Life leech rate modifier goes from 50% without it to 100% with it. Without it equipped the character sheet shows 1.6% leech from any attack. With it, it splits it to primary and secondary hand, and also has the 1.6% from any attack. Odd but that's what it shows.

I talked to EE for quite a bit last night on his stream. I had asked about picking up VP since the build goes right by it. He said nope, just use 2 bloodseekers and pick up a scourge claw if/when I got the currency to do so, but it wasn't essential.

Let me see if I can get a screenshot.

But I was just glad I got to loot something I may use. Most times it's something I loot and sell and buy what I need/want.
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<Bronze Donator>
Heh, I tried out that build last league and was really puzzled by your currency comment regarding the scourge claw. It was not 120c then...

It's a good build, pretty solid defensively. I found the playstyle overall limited by BF itself and the negative synergy between O&O and GV.


Blackwing Lair Raider
So is elder the same loot regardless of map tier he spawns in? That seems kind of shitty to me if that were the case. Less of a goal to work up to when you can just do him in white tier for same rewards . Granted he looks hard as hell. But shaper was a much longer journet


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
So is elder the same loot regardless of map tier he spawns in? That seems kind of shitty to me if that were the case. Less of a goal to work up to when you can just do him in white tier for same rewards . Granted he looks hard as hell. But shaper was a much longer journet

No, better loot table in red maps.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Oh great good to hear.
So I’ve been looking for biscos substitutes, since it’s way outside my budget now. As tri dp totem I don’t really need any thing good in my neck slot so am trying to get some MF. I see some shaped necks with iq on them but they are crazy expensvie. Anyone have any experience crafting shaped necks? Is iiq a hard roll to get? For example a 10% iiq shaped amulet was 15ex on poe trade


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Oh great good to hear.
So I’ve been looking for biscos substitutes, since it’s way outside my budget now. As tri dp totem I don’t really need any thing good in my neck slot so am trying to get some MF. I see some shaped necks with iq on them but they are crazy expensvie. Anyone have any experience crafting shaped necks? Is iiq a hard roll to get? For example a 10% iiq shaped amulet was 15ex on poe trade

A lot of that is prob cause the base is hard to get ar the moment. Most of it actually


<Bronze Donator>
Been playing around with molten strike and ancestral's damn finicky. To get that exact spot where your whiff and 1 AC proc will generate a grouping of balls is really hard in the heat of battle. Also, since you're not clicking directly on the boss, you're can be certain that your whiff balls are not hitting the boss as frequently as the AC balls, so I don't think you can say it's just 2x balls. I think I'm going to stick to MS.


Potato del Grande
It's pretty close to 2x balls once you get used to doing it but yes not a full 2x every time, also get the slight damage reduction on the skill from AC gem but it's still a massive dps increase. You'll almost never hit with all the balls from molten strike without it either, especially once you get a bunch of balls per attack (enchant, jewels (the jewels give it more balls right?), lmp/gmp)

If the boss is larger (lots of them are fairly big size wise, big rare mobs work too) you can usually just aim a bit to the side of yourself/the boss and get the AC proc to go off on them instead of trying to take a couple steps back before each attack.


Lord Nagafen Raider
The Atlas stuff is awesome. The abyss league stuff... it's just if breach had sex with tormented spirits. The extra mob density is nice but other than that it just doesn't excite me much. I think the belts are not good for the economy, because if you're using anything but the Stygian belts you're doing it wrong. The jewels I like. Belts can't stay though IMO.

Just to add: I am playing this game on hard-mode, being CI and an Elementalist. Oh man, it's rough. I don't see why anyone not in standard would use ES unless you're really rich. Elementalist also is quite garbage. Every 10 seconds you get semi-strong for 4 seconds, but there's no buff or visual indicator showing when it's on or not so you never really know when it works. The best ascendancy is the extra golem and the elemental immunity it gives, so at least it's a pretty decent meatshield. On the flip side of things, volatile dead is pretty good boss DPS. With roughly 1.5ex of gear PoB has me at roughly 800k shaper DPS. Probably a lot higher if I was any other class though.
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Potato del Grande
Eh i've played elementalist a few times, it's not bad. I can't remember if pendulum used to show up in buffs or not but I feel like it did (been a long time though so who knows). I doubt any other ascendencies would get you more dps on volatile dead than elementalist will, at least not a significant amount, except maybe inquisitor if you're crit for the pen.

I still want to roll up another self cast discharge elementalist at some point, maybe i'll do it this league since I didn't get around to it in the last couple.


Avatar of War Slayer
yeah, ES got knocked down alot. Budget builds are looking at 6.5-8k ES tops Alot less of a HP gap over life builds then before. with the loss of life flasks, easier leech, and armor/evade.

3.1 added a great deal of life regen. ES regen might be the right way to go now, over leech.
I'd probably be going occultist for any ES build, for its extra ES, and regen.

Elementalist is a bit underrated I think. Its like deadeye. people have this weird all or nothing, in this game. The golem buffs are awesome. The penetration is awesome. Elemental DR/reflect is awesome.


Potato del Grande
Anyone ever messed around with heavy strike? I might try that out for some single target action to pair with my wild strike. Since i'm going to be using Hegemony's i'll end up having my power charges up on boss fights with it too.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I got a heavy strike guy on standard. It's very niche in what it does, which is melt bosses. But it does that exceptionally well. Check out my lvl 95 slayer guy: View Profile - Path of Exile - Jonkimble

PS: gave up on the elementalist. DPS was good for bosses, but survivability was non-existent as CI. Can't afford to respec, so I bought a couple pens and made a raider. :>

PPS: That's some serious currency flipping. Well done on the mirror!
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Potato del Grande
Yeah i'd be using it for bosses and wild strike for my clearing. I figure it's a decent alternative to molten strike since I can skip any elemental stuff on the tree and just scale phys for wild strike anyways.

I have no desire to play CI on any char any more except maybe a summoner but even then i'd probably just want to go low life even without a shavs since I don't play HC and summoners don't get hit very often anyways and even low life isn't very desirable to me any more since I was pulling about 5500 es with a very expensive build before the ES gimping.


Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
Anyone ever messed around with heavy strike? I might try that out for some single target action to pair with my wild strike. Since i'm going to be using Hegemony's i'll end up having my power charges up on boss fights with it too.

Seems like with the new shape/elder items someone would be able to make a single target core using a chest (single target 20/20 gems) and a "six link" weapon/gloves/helm for clear. It really doesn't take all that much to clear even high tier maps at a pretty decent pace.