Path of Exile


Avatar of War Slayer
So I started the league as a GC Miner...bleh, not digging the gameplay at all then I rolled a "cookie cutter" Scion KB/Barrage Wander for a fast map clearing build. I'm level 56 now with a Tabula and the game play also feels bad. I know it's premature and need about 20-25 levels to fairly judge, but the mana cost primarily and squishyness doesn't feel good at all. How do people get around mana issues at higher levels? Right now I'm running 2 Vaal Clarity and have a mana potion so it does help quite a bit, but still.
theres a number of ways.

first, you need to consider you gain base mana with level gain. And then, mana regen is based on a % of total mana. so, just leveling may help alleviate any mana issues. granted not likely by itself.
second, easy % mana, and mana regen passives. Int gives mana, and there are a good number of powerful mana nodes. primal spirit/druidic rite in ranger, or mana/life and heart and soul pathing through witch, or mana regen/life and quick recovery between witch and templar. shaper by scion on the way to scion life wheel. int on gear or passive pathing.
Mana leech. you dont need much. its important to note Warlords mana leech, or even the .4% by vit void is often MORE then you need. and is being capped, not by more leech, but in fact by low max mana%. so, spirit voids Cap increase can be used...or simply increase your MAX mana total. so, between spirit void or druidic rite, druidic rite is the superior choice.

if by mind drinker in shadow for your mana leech, its probably enough by itself. and it even gives you inc max mana. heart and soul, quick recovery, mind over matter will probably solve any mana problems you might be having.


<Gold Donor>
So I guess there is a bestiary recipe that duplicates items since last patch. Raiz just did it to an elder opal ring 2 times. 250 ex ring duplicated 3x. The stats get cut in 1/2 but you can just reroll. I think it was intended to be kind of like a mirror, which makes mirrored items that cannot be rerolled. also this is not some hard recipe, its trivial recipe that probably everyone has now. Hes on HC SSF and probably will delete them, because this is obviously exploit that probably was not intended, but still. Bestiary league economy ruined. Its been 10 hrs.

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<Gold Donor>
Wonder what they will do. Think waht the RMTers are doing right now. Making millions, lul.

People are saying you can even dupe helm enchants.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I wasn't saying D3 is some super fun game, I just like the endless spam of maps, when I want them.

I have played PoE for 3-4 years. I think where I struggle with PoE end game vs D3 end game is with D3 for me the fun was pushing a harder and harder rift. Once I get to 85-90 in PoE, I don't know what my goal is.

Goals can be leveling to 100, killing shaper, killing Elder, Uber Atziri, farming T16 maps, or whatever you want. Level 90 though is a casuals end game, that's 24 hours for people with experience in PoE and not end game by any means.

@Malinatar if you have like 30c-40c you can buy a warlords mark on hit ring, I bought one last night and its awesome. Another easy solution is 2 good mana nodes like the ones above witch for 28% mana and regen. If you can get items with flat mana its a huge boost too. Much like the way life works the higher the pool the higher the regen.


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Marine Biologist
<Bronze Donator>
I don't think i've ever truly shit on ggg since poe is my all time favorite game but jesus christ this league is a complete fucking shit show.

In the window this 'dupe' was in people were able to 'dupe' helms with their enchants, completely ass fucking all lab runners and their market.


<Silver Donator>
What I find funny is how just yesterday there were people saying this league sucks nothing is good from the crafting it's too random essence league was better etc, I think Mathil made a video about that too, then they fix a bug that somehow no one had noticed for over a week that prevented several beasts to even exist(guess no one actually looked into it really) and all of a sudden it's the most broken crafting league because they completely fucked up one of the recipe and they have to turn it off right away(or well, several hours after, enough for a bunch of people to severely impact the economy). And that's after a week of backpedalling and "fixing" the league like fixing nets like they said they'd work and adding new corpse nets, with probably more to come(people complaining they just don't find enough beasts at all).

On one hand, I don't blame them for trying new things instead of "this league has packs of mobs spawning with new mods, and sometimes they drop items that let you fight a boss for specific uniques" again but goddamn did that go wrong. They should just do a simple efficient league next time and focus on fixing the core game for a while and try not to do complex league mechanics unless they have the time to do so.


<Bronze Donator>
I'll take a free Sinnocence set as compensation, thank you.

Breakneck development speed has finally caught up with them, hopefully some painful lessons are being learnt. I don't know how disruptive the duping was to the economy overall, but shouldn't it make stuff cheaper? Essentially a bunch of supply has flooded certain markets. Sucks for people that farm that stuff legit, but I mean, that's what you get for enjoying lab traps. I very much doubt they'll do a roll back, unless they can target it.

As a software QA person, idk. It's kinda hard to judge that without knowing their testing setup. Who's on the line for not testing this properly? The devs for not explicitly highlighting which features should receive focused testing? Or QA for not trying to break *everything*?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Only thing worth playing for in this league is the new ascendancy / ubers. Why anyone would of thought having to "capture" 4 beasts that can spawn with various affixes making it difficult to target them for certain recipes, along with one shotting anything that isn't red tier beasts later on, would equate to some feeling of accomplishment is beyond me. Outside the very few decent recipes the majority are trash and you put more work into them then you'll ever see in returns, it's right on par with current map boss loot where anything less then Guardians feels like a chore.

Would of rather had Breach league again with them spending more time buffing and reworking old shitty skill gems so that the end game isn't just the same small handful of abilities for melee / range / spells. Ascendancies helped a bit but just about everything devolving into molten strike, RF, specters, cyclone, or barrage is getting boring along with the passive trees generally being optimally fleshed out with many nodes just being completely ignored because why bother gimping yourself (Staves and Maces).


<Gold Donor>
I completely skipped out on this league. I played a shit ton last league, like well over 200 hours or more, not really sure. This game is good for like every other league, or every 3rd league. Still watch some streams though, but not for the game, but the streamers I like.


Potato del Grande
Everyone keeps crying about "oh breach league was so awesome". Breach added absolutely nothing to the game except for mob count while actively shitting on anyone who didn't abuse it (lol if you don't spam zana to 8 and spam breach on every map you run you're gimped hardcore compared to people who do when that was the zana 8 mod for 4 leagues or w/e it was). Why even have leagues if that's all you want them to do, they should just make the next league "10x the mobs" but I bet those same people would cry about how there is no cool league mechanic.

If you don't like the beastiary mechanics you can ignore them just like you can ignore uber lab farming if you don't like it, or shaper farming if you don't like it, or elder farming, or chaining 17k poorjoys maps so you can have 7 lvl 100s or anything else.


Avatar of War Slayer
Essence was my favorite. I hate that they gutted it.

Even this league.. the best part is the yellow and red beasts, which are basically Essance mobs, without the click to unlock. and the click to unlock was the best part... you could choose to or not on your own terms. and even push ghosts into them.