Yeah, assuming Hair Trigger is still cheap I am going to drop Chain Reaction in favor of Explosives Expert, but Scion doesn't seem worth it.Anyway, there was a reddit post about that and with the changes to the tree, you can kinda ignore chain reaction/the unique combo to reduce trap duration, and instead focus on trap activation radius. You can get 170% radius in the tree taking most of the common trap nodes and with a Hair Trigger jewel, that gives you 224% radius, which is enough to trigger at 18units, which supposedly is enough to trigger all your traps even on a single normal size enemy with cluster. Even just a fair amount will generally guarantee 2 traps will proc on a single enemy(like say an exile or whatever). Bosses are fat enough they'll trigger everything anyway.
Even if you get Saboteur's chain reaction, you'll want to get a fair bit of radius, since apparently the chain reaction itself is based off trap radius trigger and will only trigger other traps in the radius of the trap that was triggered. You kinda get trigger radius naturally from the trap nodes on the tree though.
The point of stacking the stat was mostly so you could do a Scion with saboteur+something(elem?) and end up with a potentially stronger damage build, while still triggering traps(so you get various bonuses from uniques that work on triggering, versus the other way that reduces duration which doesn't count as traps triggering).
I wish 100 was balanced a bit for the nerd with kids and two jobs lol
I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't just Hiero/Elementalist/Jugg/Champion/Sabo for 90% of starters.
Haven't played Lacerate before, but found this guide by Demi and it sounded sweet as hell. Also watched him Uber Lab farm for a while and it was butter smooth, even if he was doing it with nearly perfect gear.
Forum - Duelist - [3.3] Demi's FlyingPurplePeople Lacerate, The ULTIMATE 2H RT Melee Slayer Guide - Path of Exile
In the state of PoE now, why would you ever play it as a 2her when you can use stat sticks and dual wield.
I wish 100 was balanced a bit for the nerd with kids and two jobs lol
Details on L20 Infernal Blow were finally posted.
Only change from the patch notes is that the "charged" debuff(main target only) deals 66% of damage, not base attack damage. So, if I understand this correctly, IB's single target damage is now 123% * 1.66? That works out to 205%, ~27% improvement over the current iteration.
I mean, it's not nothing, but in the context of Blade Flurry and Molten Strike...meh? I'd argue that Molten Strike, especially with the velocity buff, clears almost as well as Infernal Blow. Hell, Wild Strike does 350% single target and clears much better. Granted, Wild Strike can't abuse shaper stat sticks and is a bit harder to scale, so kinda apples to oranges.
I just don't see the point. Why say you're going buff the single target but then not do it enough to matter? This needed to clear 300% to be relevant. Or more realistically, Molten Strike and Blade Flurry need to be brought down.
I've been enjoying Frost Blades atm but I don't have a clue what I'm doing or how I should be playing the game
The no life born again virgin category is what I won? Thats pretty much what nerds who grind to 100 are