Yeah, but that's where the system falls apart. There's a reason "PLAYER INTERACTION" is a meme, and it's nothing at all like an AH in practice.
Like right now if you want to buy currency, you have to skip a page or two of AFK/DND price fixers to get to someone actually selling. Not only is it terrible when you're trying to buy, say, fusings, the asshats also skew the currency charts on and it's hard to judge what to sell currency for because there's a good chance all the lowest offers are fakes to trick you, or other people who got tricked. And like with everything else I've tried to buy this league, has been more effective. I actually bought 300 jewelers this morning (at 9.6j:1c which when converted to fusings is cheaper than the current 2f:1c rates) and only had to send 5 messages before I got a non-afk/dnd person on poeapp's bulk currency page.
Items are a bit better but you still run into tons of afk or otherwise non-responsive people.