Slightly mad, slightly pleased. Last night I couldn't sleep and my brain was in full theorycraft mode. So I've been delving wherever the fossils are. Depth doesn't matter. I went sideways at like lvl 50 depths for 3 hours the other night and got nearly 100 fossils. So I wanted to make a character that was JUST for fossil hunting. Not to exceed depths of even 100, probably.
It came to me that infinite phasing would be good, so I checked raider and they get it with onslaught. So with Ahn's Heritage shield you can get -2 endurance charges from jewels and always have onslaught, AKA, always have phasing. So that was the easy part. The hard part was finding a 1hander ability for damage I didn't hate just for general clearing and for mapping to restore sulphite (FUCK THE QUARRY). I was looking at spectral throw and maybe ice crash (with precursors with +cold damage per frenzy charge) and so I googled Raider builds.
Like 9:30am this morning some dude already made my build. He's perma phasing raider with Ahn's, uses a shaper claw with x to x cold damager per dex, and cyclones. It annoyed me as I thought I was going to be a fucking pioneer, but dude literally beat me by like a 1/2 a day.
Forum - Ranger - [3.4] Ghost in the Delve - Permanent Phasing Cold Cyclone QOTF. 1M+ Dps for bossing. - Path of Exile
That's the build. I may end up tweaking it and probably making it is fairly new still. The freezing is great for shatter, cyclone allows you hit fast with the claw for +life, even in darkness, and perma phasing with QoTF just means you bypass everything anyways. Cyclone also lets you go through mobs, but I don't think it's necessary. The DPS looks slightly underwhelming and the clear in maps might be much more painful than my Consecrated Path Chieftan, but it should do.
Once I'm all set up I'm going to set up a timer and stream how many fossils I can find in X amount of time. I'm thinking with that build, at a lower depth, you'll be able to net 60+ fossils and 10-20 raw chaos per hour easily.