With nineteen voiced characters, we have been recording voice acting for many weeks. The Betrayal and Immortal Syndicate names have been locked in for more than a month. Interestingly, Path of Exile: Immortal was considered as an expansion name in October. Lucky we picked Betrayal...
And they're both melee! I wonder if it'll work with 2h.
Path of Exile: Betrayal League : pathofexile
From Chris Wilson himself. I mean, I still want to believe they're rubbing it in more than the coincidence.
Holy fuck this patch looks awesome. I'm looking forward to throwing money their way this league.
So I'm brand new to this shit, should I be bothering with this Niko guy and the minecart stuff, or just grind the main story until max level or whatever?
Do these 2 skill point respects refund my entire skill tree, or just single nodes?
Is there a way to tell if support skill gems are working if they don't have some kind of obvious particle effect etc? Like can I throw x2 minion damage support gems in to my summon zombies skill? I can't find a way to tell if the +minion damage is stacking or not.
Cast When Damage Taken support is the main reason to stop leveling a skill gem. The damage and skill gem requirements go up as you level CWDT, so it's a balance between how powerful you want the triggered spells to be vs how often/easily.More random stuff I can't quite suss out:
Is there any reason not to level my skill gems? Just seems like straight upgrades?
Is this corrupted vaal skill stuff just as awesome as it looks, or is there some drawback I'm missing?
Is there a full respect available, or is my first character just gonna basically be crap as I flail around the skill tree while I level?
Are there full elemental immunities later on for monsters like D2 had, or can I just slam all my points in to fire etc?
I never played bestiary league.... I heard the mechanics were a painful grind.
Edit: Also fuck yes Delve core, but if we cannot access it whenever we want I am going to be super pissed.