No my argument is that the builds that use stat sticks for melee skills are barely serviceable with stat sticks as it is, nerfing them isn't going to do anything other than make them suck just as much or more than those same skills/builds do with 2handers currently, depending on how hard they nerf stat sticks.
If you're already playing a build that is gimped compared to the strong builds, why does it matter if you lose a tad more damage to use the weapon you want (2h)? You're already giving up the damage/end-game viability/whatever of the strong builds to play those other skills.
Which skills even use 1h + stat stick that could also be done with a 2h? The main melee skill I know of that uses a stat stick is blade flurry and you can't do that with a 2hand and I don't even know which other skills either use main-hand only or also limit weapon type so that stat sticks can work.
Edit: To try and explain it in a different way
Skill X does 1m shaper dps with 1h+stat stick, but only 800k dps with 2h. But Skill Y is meta and does 25m dps and can facetank everything in the game. If you're already choosing to play skill X why does the fact that it has slightly more dps with a stat stick matter so much? Not to mention all the different passive paths you can take to change up builds and min-max...