Path of Exile


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Got this for free on PS5. I'll give it a try, but I get the feeling it's one of those games that takes a pretty substantial time investment to get anything out of?

Definitely seems to have a pretty hardcore fanbase though.


Millie's Staff Member
If you've got a sack of cash you can just do one Maven after another until it clicks and realize just how little she actually does. You'll be good forever then.
The last phase can suck my dick.

I did one this morning, first two phases area easy peasy, barely even got hit. But doing that memory game while the degen bars float around, and damage flies from everywhere is just fucking stupid. The person who designed Sirus def designed this fight. I hate it like aids inflicted with cancerous deadly poison.

I died 6 times quickly and cleanly, sometimes just trying to get set up after a death. That is all lol.

Clearly, I suck, there is no debate. The only way I beat that fight is infinite dps through the last stage.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
The last phase can suck my dick.

I did one this morning, first two phases area easy peasy, barely even got hit. But doing that memory game while the degen bars float around, and damage flies from everywhere is just fucking stupid. The person who designed Sirus def designed this fight. I hate it like aids inflicted with cancerous deadly poison.

I died 6 times quickly and cleanly, sometimes just trying to get set up after a death. That is all lol.

Clearly, I suck, there is no debate. The only way I beat that fight is infinite dps through the last stage.
Well if you can save 6 portals for the end that's 6 memory games essentially (well 5 I guess) if you can't get her down in 5 then your dps is definitely too low (at least I wouldn't be able to do it with that much dps)

And I'm right there with you. I suck at bosses so the only way I can beat them is infinite dps.
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Potato del Grande
Well according to pob my helmet isn't as good as I thought. I was thinking enemies take increased dmg would be better than nearby enemies have -9% fire resist in most situations but pob disagrees. Altho I dunno if PoB can be trusted cause two different versions of the helm i made in there have different numbers, and both only show virtually no damage upgrade versus my juggs current helm that doesn't have the mod so who knows (7k dps gain on 500k+ start point lol). I hate PoB.
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Well according to pob my helmet isn't as good as I thought. I was thinking enemies take increased dmg would be better than nearby enemies have -9% fire resist in most situations but pob disagrees. Altho I dunno if PoB can be trusted cause two different versions of the helm i made in there have different numbers, and both only show virtually no damage upgrade versus my juggs current helm that doesn't have the mod so who knows (7k dps gain on 500k+ start point lol). I hate PoB.
Yea I'm pretty sure it just puts it in the "Increased Elemental Damage" in the same "increases" pool, unlike something like Anomolous Ass Mark which basically puts it in its own "cursed enemies" pool which if you have none is essentially a 6% more buff, and since bosses have so much resistances pen is a much bigger "more" weight then most things.

At least that's how I interpret it. Its probably wrong.


Potato del Grande
Lol, as I was crafting more pieces for my summoner tonight I decided to try and improve my wand and bricked it trying to veil ele pen onto it so I could multimod crit suffix instead. Unveiled 3 trash mods and failed the annul. Guess we'll see if I can move any of this int stacking gear in a reasonable timeframe now!


Log Wizard
Make sure it's equipped in PoB and "enemy is nearby" or "distance to enemy" is set to 1 or it won't give you the increase from the mod. Some mods and supports like Inspiration show 0 dps increase until actually equipped because then the config option shows up.
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Potato del Grande
I was just hovering over them instead of equipping and comparing the numbers but i'll do that tomorrow to see if it changes anything, thanks.


Potato del Grande
Well I spent another div on a helm base and 6 divines on horrors and ended up with this after uhh, 86 of them. Have 25 left but now I need another base tomorrow. The block and stun recovery could've at least rolled t1 so it can be all t1 mods!



Blackwing Lair Raider
With that life roll and space to craft +1 aoe is nuts you got super lucky. What’s that probably a 25–35 div helm?


Potato del Grande
Probably somewhere around there, maybe more, but hard to say. If I search for minimum 50 total life then the first few are 34 and 40 with 50-59 life and then they start having elevated mods or nearby enemies have -9 fire res and prices keep flying up fast. I never know either whether any of this super high price stuff actually sells or if it just sits on the trade site looking pretty with its high prices.

I've tried listing some of the super high value items in past leagues when I get them and they never end up selling (really good watchers eyes, lots of top tier 6links back when the meta was to combine explode with the various other influence mods, etc.).


<Bronze Donator>
Only ~2 months until ExileCon. I've never been more productive!

Been toying around with some Kitava's Thirst builds. Revamped Heirophant and Arcane Surge make them look interesting? There's a variant that puts Frostbolt in the helm and triggers it with Ice Nova. Some of those will support Vortex with Archmage to get the mana cost up to 100 so it too can trigger the helm. What I don't get: shouldn't this make your clear kinda shitty? Vortex has 50% chance to trigger 5 Frostbolt projectiles but 100% chance to eat 5 Frostbolt projectiles. You'll run around casting Ice Nova on yourself because your Vortex has eaten all the Frostbolts.


Molten Core Raider
Just getting going in the league after a nice vacay traveling. Anyone have some extra low-mid tier RF gear sitting around?


Millie's Staff Member
Oh man - I splurged on a high elem DPS bow and followed a vaal ice shot build. Hilarious. A true glass cannon, with 3,100 hps. But the best clear speed I have ever had.

Hilariously, once I got to maps I dipped my toe in slowly like I always do, then realized I wanted to fill out my Pantheon so I ran a couple of T16 maps at level 75. Noice. Then I ran a Poorjoy's and although I died once, I still made a level and a half in one map.

If only the starting experience was like this. I had to find a mirror to enjoy this part of the game lol.

Edit - Welp I farmed the two golden oils required to get Vengeant Cascade on my amulet and now the build is just silly. It was a little too fragile though so I squared up my defenses a little bit to 4700 hps or so. Little better survivability.
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Avatar of War Slayer
I think we all joked about PoE2 taking exactly as long as it takes to make D4+1 day.

So yesterday it seems, GGG put the pathofexile2 domain name into use, to promote exilecon, and other poe2 info. Speculation for summergames fest teaser, with exilecon being full reveal.

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