Path of Exile


Blackwing Lair Raider
Here's a good guide similar to what I'm doing, though I'm doing eater altars and have strongboxes + shrines. I'm also not doing league mechanic very often, it slows everything down so much, might try again soon.

Is anyone heavy juicing t16s with league mechanic too? If so what build are you using? It seems like you need pretty crazy dps to be one shotting/killing rares quickly. Lightning strike of arcing looks interesting for this.

I am with Worb. Expedition and essences. With i guess 50 million+ dps it doesn't really matter how much wisp juice gets pumped into the map (t16 maps rolled 80% quant and then vaaled) the mobs will die either instantly or maybe in a 5 seconds unless i brick my build with expedition.


Vyemm Raider
Is there a good beginner guide anywhere for making money on maps? Every time I look something up it talks about all kinds of shit I just don't understand. Like, if it starts off explaining a bunch of shit about manipulating your map modifiers, it's already lost me.

I'm at like 75 or something atlas points and knocked out a few T15's. But I see people saying things like how a map is worth a minimum of 5-10c and I'm sitting here getting 0 on every map because I have no fucking clue what any of this is.

And if the advice is to just "pick the mechanic you enjoy," that's also not helpful because once again, I don't even understand the majority of these fucking things. When you're brand new to the game and it's got a decade of mechanics, it feels impossible to learn any of them in a meaningful way. Just tell me which one I should do ffs.

I've also got to wonder, I went wandering path, but it seems like a mistake. Like, sure, getting all the atlas points quicker is nice, but then it makes the rest of the atlas feel useless?
1. once you get most of your atlas filled out, like youre only missing 4 or 5 regular maps and a few unique maps which you can trade for (or use kirac missions/Horizon orbs to find), spec out of wandering path and fill out atlas nodes for the atlas strategy you want to do, like essences, heist, expedition, etc.

I also get really bored with the game once it goes from filling out the atlas and buying upgrades in the ~1 div range, to speccing into actual strategies and saving up multiple divines to swap out one piece which then makes you have to redo half your other gear. that's the point when I peace out.

If youre willing to stick with it though, here are a couple of videos I found really educational on how to actually make currency and stop being poor & get to actually cruising through stuff.

How to improve your character:

What to avoid:
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Got something right about marriage
Well, pretty much every video guide on how to make currency in PoE is absolute garbage for a new player. Literal garbage. And not because the videos are bad, per se, but because it doesn't matter how well these veteran players think they are explaining something... they aren't. They'll post a video talking about making multiple divines an hour, then a new player will go and try it, and won't even make a single divine in multiple hours. Because they don't actually know that EVERY SINGLE THING IN THE STRATEGY IS REQUIRED. And that the maps have to be rolled properly. And that you need to know how to upgrade and sell the crap that is dropping. Even when the 5 head making the video insists that it isnt, and its just "alch and go", they are being disingenuous and baiting new players.

That is why, for every new player, there are only 2 options for actually succeeding at making at least some currency. And honestly I wouldn't even recommend 1 of them off the bat (essences) because it still does require that you know to use remnants of corruption, know when to use them properly, and can figure out the best way to bulk sell each different essence type.

Enter Harvest.

Harvest is the best noob farming strat there is because its as simple to set up as any strat out there, but its also just raw currency that requires no upgrading, no researching, no nothing after it drops and you pick it up. The only thing you need to know, when going to sell it, is that it will fetch a much better price if you wait and sell it in bulk (like everything else).

There aren't 20+ different types of shit dropping all with varying prices, it's only 3. All of which are much closer in price range but all of which are easy to price.

If you want to know HOW Harvest works you can try to wrap your head around this video (eventually you'll want to watch it but it might add confusion at first)

This is a starter atlas that also includes the best minor addition to any farming strategy, Niko nodes. You'll passively gather Azerite from any sulphite veins you find and click in your maps which you can use to go and buy single slot resonators from Niko at the Azurite mine (accessible via waypoint, anywhere).

This does not require anything on the map device, and doesn't require any sextants or scarabs either (eventually you'll want to use them once you're comfortable to maximize profits)

After you get comfortable with the strat and have more points you can add Growing Hordes and path over to the right side of the tree and grab the last Harvest nodes, but those require a bit more knowledge to use properly. Stay away from them until your comfortable with Harvest itself. Essences are also good to add to this.

*NOTE*: You won't guarantee a Sacred Grove in every map this way, but 90%+ of your maps should have it, with no actual investment on your part.
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Log Wizard
Teammates have been doing aurabot + stormbrander. They were at ~300 divines between them until this morning. They though they were doing good when they hit 6 raw divine in a map, then a 6 div item in a map, then an apothecary. Then it happened.

Duplicated magebloods. The Wildwood 30% dupe unique alter hit. They were super pumped

Until about 3 hours ago when they just got a mirror.

This league is retarded. Next league is going to feel terrible.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
First time trying minions (still kinda new to all the mechanics). Was intending ssf, but I've found 3 div and 2ex raw so I'll probly buy stuff, and that's just finishing act 8. Did they up the drop rate in high ends currency?


Vyemm Raider
are you doing the wildwood? if so, then yes it is giving you a bit more than normal drop rate. nothing crazy though, you're still extremely lucky getting 3 raw divines in the campaign.


Log Wizard
For those of you wondering "whats all my shit worth?" is a new site that allows you to link your PoE account, via PoE's website itself to value entire tabs. You can plug shit like just your fragment tab in there and see the total sum worth of everything in there. Nice to know if you should sell all your essences/oils/scarabs or if it's not worth your time. There's also TFT connections but I don't fuck with that so I can't speak to the ease of use, but my guildmate say it's pretty decent.

Hopefully a "completely free and ass-hole devastating" build comes out soon because a lot of people are skipping Wildwood juice or failing to complete maps juiced. It's definitely overtund in terms of damage reduction especially with shit like conc ground/life regen mods. Another big reason is the blue juice everyone craves makes mobs crit you into dust, but very few people have anti crit tech in their builds. Getting 50% or more "reduced critical strike damage from enemies" is VERY helpful for staying alive. Get that number to 100% and you'll take no extra crit damage.

Cheap ways to do it are 50% corruption on chest, 30% from armor mastery, and Sanctum of Thoughts in the top left Templar area. An Animated Guardian with Ephemeral Garb is a must for summoners, but Eph garbs have shot up from like 60c day 2-3 to 130+ right now. At those prices non-summoners shouldn't fuck with an AG. Poison mastery also makes poisoned mobs have 0 crit chance if you're one of the Pathfinder poison builds right now.
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
Is there a good beginner guide anywhere for making money on maps? Every time I look something up it talks about all kinds of shit I just don't understand. Like, if it starts off explaining a bunch of shit about manipulating your map modifiers, it's already lost me.

I'm at like 75 or something atlas points and knocked out a few T15's. But I see people saying things like how a map is worth a minimum of 5-10c and I'm sitting here getting 0 on every map because I have no fucking clue what any of this is.

And if the advice is to just "pick the mechanic you enjoy," that's also not helpful because once again, I don't even understand the majority of these fucking things. When you're brand new to the game and it's got a decade of mechanics, it feels impossible to learn any of them in a meaningful way. Just tell me which one I should do ffs.

I've also got to wonder, I went wandering path, but it seems like a mistake. Like, sure, getting all the atlas points quicker is nice, but then it makes the rest of the atlas feel useless?

I would love to explain all this with you. However, I need specific questions you have and I can go into detail. If you look at what I posted earlier, re: essences, let me know what you don't understand. I'll b ehappy to help.

I would not recommend wandering path, to be honest, but that's speaking as an experienced player. If you are working to get your atlas "done" its not bad, but you'll eventually be paying a bit to respec it all.

But yeah, ask away. I'm pretty good at low-cost, simple and easy yet super grindy ways to hundreds of divines.

I'm streaming in FoH discord games group if anyone wants to watch the boring, but lucrative farm lol.
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Best Rabbit
<Gold Donor>
For those of you wondering "whats all my shit worth?" is a new site that allows you to link your PoE account, via PoE's website itself to value entire tabs. You can plug shit like just your fragment tab in there and see the total sum worth of everything in there. Nice to know if you should sell all your essences/oils/scarabs or if it's not worth your time. There's also TFT connections but I don't fuck with that so I can't speak to the ease of use, but my guildmate say it's pretty decent.

I use this:



Mr. Poopybutthole
If you want to know why this is so confusing, look no further than every response to my question. Each one has a completely different mechanic that's "better for new players" while saying all the previous posts were wrong.

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Got something right about marriage
Guides will suck for you. All of them. They are made by players with years of experience that no longer understand how little a new player actually knows and how obtuse everything in PoE actually is.

Harvest drops raw crafting currency. That's all you're farming when running harvest. Raw crafting currency that is highly valuable and easy to trade or you can use it yourself when learning how to craft. You don't need to track a tab to figure out what it's worth. You don't need to check your divs per hour because you're worried about 30 different types of items that are dropping.

You are tracking Vivid (yellow), Wild (purple), and Primal (blue) lifeforce. And that is it.


Tranny Chaser
You show up and learn a few things each league and before you know it the game won't seem so absurd. If you reach a point where it's more headache than reward just shelve it for a while.

edit - none of these guides are "wrong." There are just differences in preference. Legion has never been my jam, I did more of it last league than ever did before for one of the challenges, it shat currency, I'm not doing it in Affliction with zero plans to.
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Vyemm Raider
None of the previous posts are wrong, there are many, many ways to make currency in poe. You dont even have to use ANY strategies or guides' ways of doing it. Or you can take bits from one way and combine it with another way that you prefer.

The one thing they all have in common is just running zones. Over and over. Then over and over again. You always get out more than what X thing costs, otherwise X thing would be priced lower. Thats how the economy works. Whether it is white maps, yellow maps, red maps, heist contracts, blueprints, memories, logbooks, forbidden tomes, delving, boss rushing, blighted maps, sanctums, whatever it is that you GOT, you just need to run it. If you have 100 maps, youll make more money running those maps than selling them, youre just trading time for resources.

Every currency "strat" is literally just running something over and over again until you get more out of it than you put into it.... i.e. profit.
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Tranny Chaser
None of the previous posts are wrong, there are many, many ways to make currency in poe. You dont even have to use ANY strategies or guides' ways of doing it. Or you can take bits from one way and combine it with another way that you prefer.

The one thing they all have in common is just running zones. Over and over. Then over and over again. You always get out more than what X thing costs, otherwise X thing would be priced lower. Thats how the economy works. Whether it is white maps, yellow maps, red maps, heist contracts, blueprints, memories, logbooks, forbidden tomes, delving, boss rushing, blighted maps, sanctums, whatever it is that you GOT, you just need to run it. If you have 100 maps, youll make more money running those maps than selling them, youre just trading time for resources.

Every currency "strat" is literally just running something over and over again until you get more out of it than you put into it.... i.e. profit.

Yep. The underlying answer to why you are poor is almost always the same - you are not playing in a focused manner. As someone who fucks around too much I know it hurts me. I'll just kinda push forward until the game starts killing me dead (which happened as soon as I started trying to do T14+ as well as the elder/shaper/elderslayers) and have to stop being an idiot and farm, buy some actual upgrades and get my shit fixed.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Here's the strat I'm running. 7th gate with legion map crafting, legion scarab, tormented scarab (thanks to AladainAF AladainAF recommendation), reliquary scarab and ambush scarab (all rusted). I run T5 dunes (had to knock it down since going all MF). Sorry for shitty quality on screenshot I'm bad at downsizing.



Vyemm Raider
If you literally dont want to fuck with strats or league mechanics, you can just leave your atlas tree on whatever the fuck it is, and just alch and go, which is to say use an orb of alchemy on whatever tier of map you feel comfortable clearing so that its rare quality, then stick it in the map device and run it just like that. You are almost guaranteed to get at least a couple c on average with just drops, at least 2 maps to continue running, and more experience at what mechanics youre good at and which ones you struggle with, as they all have a base 10% chance of showing up, and just skip the ones you don't do well on, like probably the delirium mirror and legion crystals since youre SRS.
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Log Wizard
The problem with money making strats is if they're public, they're going to be less efficient over time. Thats why people like Grimro find some strat, farm the shit out of it, make their money, then put up a guide for it. Every league there's some "it" mechanic that gets posted and within 1-2 days after the video it's 30-50% less efficient money and some of the other money makers start to rival or overtake it again.

Even the gold standard, Essence, is taking a hit this league. I've been running it since I was filling my atlas and my tab is worth like 4 divines with hundreds of top tier essences. Whereas if I did scarab chests or something I would've made a lot more money in the same time.

Harvest will forever be king as the go-to crafting. Goop goes up over the league more often than down because of card gambling and item flipping.

The best money maker overall is doing maps you can complete, complete fast, and you don't have to spend too much time investing in with outside shit like sextants and scarabs. Find a good map layout for your build and blast it. The money will come.


Log Wizard
Here's my guildmate aurabot duo's looters ring screenshot after their ~9 day excursion of raw drops. Keep in mind some stuff like blessed orbs/vaal orbs stopped showing up on their filter pretty quickly:


And 1 mirror, but the carry looted it.


<Bronze Donator>
Yep. The underlying answer to why you are poor is almost always the same - you are not playing in a focused manner. As someone who fucks around too much I know it hurts me. I'll just kinda push forward until the game starts killing me dead (which happened as soon as I started trying to do T14+ as well as the elder/shaper/elderslayers) and have to stop being an idiot and farm, buy some actual upgrades and get my shit fixed.
I run into that T14 wall every league. Maybe it's my build. Nope, it's the stubborn idiot playing it that isn't sure he wants to even medium invest in his build.

I'm still looking for that mythical build that can get to two void stones on single digit chaos purchases without the tail end feeling like an absolute slog.

Don't say minions, fuck minions.
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