@Amod Please ban.Now I know you're a middle aged floridian that doesn't know much about airplanes
Prepare for doxxing
only necromancers can summon the dead dude.
what exactly was he banned for? i skimmed his recent posts and there was nothing remotely worth banning over, unless it was deleted.
he implied that he was going to DOX people and reveal their posting histories to their employers.
Threatened to find out where @zyy worked and get him fired.
what exactly was he banned for? i skimmed his recent posts and there was nothing remotely worth banning over, unless it was deleted.
Threatened to find out where @zyy worked and get him fired.
only necromancers can summon the dead dude.
can you point out this post for me? I don't see anything remotely close to that.
Politics Thread
"Then you're a fucking coward.
You've surrendered to your opponent because you're scared of a label. You're giving them more power and rewarding their tactics. You'll come here and shit on people you disagree with in ways that frankly should get you fired, but you won't stand up for your family and their future because you assume the battle is lost before it's begun.
For shame."
so where is the the threat exactly?original post was edited to remove the offending bits.
If his bosses knew he frequented a message board where he wrote "" hundreds of times like a mentally challenged psychopathic 12 year old, they'd be entirely justified in considering his mental state unfit for his job.
Also, get the fuck over yourself.
yeah that's pretty much the impression I got. in the context of the discussion he points out that ZyyzYzzy is a coward for not confronting issues in real life that he rages about online, then the hivemind takes over and decides the 1st grade Canadian sped teacher is a threat to everyone's career.Lol no. He said something like ZyyzYzzy should be fired for all the shit he posts on here. There was no threat or indication he was doing anything, unlike Soygen who is still here after threatening to starve my babies