Person of Interest



Genre: [GENRE]Action[/GENRE], [GENRE]Adventure[/GENRE], [GENRE]Drama[/GENRE], [GENRE]Mystery[/GENRE], [GENRE]Thriller[/GENRE]

First Aired: [RELEASE]2011-09-22[/RELEASE]

Overview: [PLOT]Person of Interest follows former CIA paramilitary operative, John Reese, who is presumed dead and teams up with reclusive billionaire Finch to prevent violent crimes in New York City by initiating their own type of justice. With the special training that Reese has had in Covert Operations and Finch's genius software inventing mind, the two are a perfect match for the job that they have to complete. With the help of surveillance equipment, they work "outside the law" and get the right criminal behind bars. [/PLOT][/SERIESWRAP][/SERIES]

Is there seriously not a forty page discussion on how great this show is? I searched, but find nothing.

Anyway, dammit if Sarah Shahi isn't the hottest woman on TV (that comes to mind without much effort).
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Trakanon Raider
Person of Interest is the most maddening show on TV.

Maddening in that the "case of the week" episodes are so bog-standard CBS procedural that I have a hard time sitting through them... but the mythology episodes started approaching and now regularly hit Quality Television.

That said, I think this week's episode (which I thought was pretty damn great, see it if you haven't yet) probably emphasized why you didn't see a thread for the show recreated on It matched the vibe of Season One - violent, conflicted, grim - and finding out that the show's creator wrote and directed it made all too obvious that the changes in Season Two - love interests for the cops! adorable dogs! smiling! - was the show getting network noted into something else.

Aside from said network notes, my biggest issue is the Harold arc. You don't hire Michael Emerson to do "naive tech guy", but the show really seems like it is sticking with its long con on the character - we probably won't find out his actual backstory until deep into Season 3, and the backstory on the machine into Season 4 (the longer they delay explaining what happened to Nathan and Finch, the more I am convinced that the machine was responsible for their death/injury, Finch has essentially been enslaved by it for the entire show, and the series finale is them destroying it).


The last episode was the best in a very long time. This is definitely the best crime dram currently on tv.


Loved LOVED this last episode. Been wanting more story on the Machine and we got it. AND it finally spoke! Gave me a chills.


Musty Nester
Freddy put on about 15 pounds... AND GOT EVEN MORE UNBELIEVABLY SEXY.

Freddy is so god damn hot I have to keep punching myself in the dick or I'd pass out from low blood pressure watching her scenes.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I love this show so much. I think why the "case of the week" works for me is CSI (pick a town any town), NCSI, and all of those just already are boring to me so I haven't really wandered down that road so it's still "fresh" in a way for me. I love the chemistry in this show, and save for the middle of this season where Reese got arrested, it hasn't been too heavy on the cheese. Reese is billy bad ass and I find it fun to watch him beat the crap out of bad guys.


Freddy put on about 15 pounds... AND GOT EVEN MORE UNBELIEVABLY SEXY.

Freddy is so god damn hot I have to keep punching myself in the dick or I'd pass out from low blood pressure watching her scenes.
Who the hell is "Freddy"?


Molten Core Raider
The hot CIA chick they saved a while back that was taking care of the "relevant" people the machine was pointing out.


I've caught up from S01E01 just in time for the S2 finale this week. I almost stopped after a few as it just didn't seem to gel but damn glad I didn't, just like Fringe and a few others it just took the showrunners a while to find their feet.

My only real complaint at this point is that the number being a perp seems to happen once in a blue moon, I'm actually trying to remember off the top of my head of a recent one?! They do a good job of mixing it up, i.e. the polonium case from just a few episodes ago and the reluctant nurse doing the operation etc. I suppose the bogus FBI man in the storm qualifies, that was a fairly weak episode though and anyone who didn't think it was the FBI man from very early on hasn't seen enough telly yet

I love the recurring characters: Elias needs to be in more, Leon is great "You really are Nigerians?" and "Wait, you think you are going to kill me?
" Zoe is good and even Bear is for once a cool dog they don't overuse. Not sure on the CIA hitsquad girl but we'll see how it pans out. Lester Freamon as the bad guy is awesomely fucked up, he sure learned how to stay off the poh-leese radar.

Anyways, one to go. John and Root as machine co-admins, what could possibly go wrong?




Musty Nester
Yeah. Her. God, how do people not know Fred / Freddy.
Makin me feel old up in this bitch.

There has never been a hotter nerd girl on a TV show ever. That's just a stone cold fact. I'm completely serious.



Trakanon Raider
I had no idea who the hell "Freddy" was either; I thought it was some Sarah Shahi role I didn't know. 1) I don't think she was ever called Freddy in Angel. 2)She's been recurring on this show for a year, why mention it now.

I don't know what to make of the backstory now. Finch/Nathan Batmanning it on their own and getting fucked up in the process is about the most obvious route they could go.

Edit: Wait, you want my dick to decide between Acker, Summer Glau, Jewel Staite, and Alyson Hannigan? What kind of monster are you.


Wow, great ending.

Some great lines as well: the wedding (*edit: see below*) feeling inadequate, "Fair enough" and "we need to borrow your helicopter fellas"

imho they should keep Shaw as an occasional character and not a regular next season, having two superheros working together all the time would make it waay too hard for the writers to come up with enough peril each week without it degenerating into farce. Elias now owing Carter a life debt like he does John is a nice touch, was hoping his character was going to stick around and now Carter has seemingly killed the Russian he should be able to take over even more of the cities crime activities.

My only finale slight complaint is where was Fruscoe? They didn't even give him a supermodel assignment like that hilarious episode a while back, he was just MIA.

Anyways, POI is decent telly and somewhat disappointed a month long run from the first episode has now come to a crashing stop. Need to find something else to watch, maybe time to finally give The Shield a try!


Trakanon Raider
Wow, great ending.

Some great lines as well: the wedding (*edit: see below*) feeling inadequate, "Fair enough" and "we need to borrow your helicopter fellas"
Yeah, 'Fair enough' has got to be the best line I've seen from someone in that situation so far ;p That really was an unprecedentedly immense fuckup.


Yeah, 'Fair enough' has got to be the best line I've seen from someone in that situation so far ;p That really was an unprecedentedly immense fuckup.
Yeah, he was an arsehole but he went out like a man to be fair to him. The guy from Sopranos who is one of the new recruits to HR cried like a bitch (which to be fair, I'm not saying I might not do if ever I have a gun waved in my face
) when Carter rescued Elias so seeing the seeming head honcho go like that was cool. Wonder who the new big bad is.

I also wouldn't want to be friends with the actual assassin, I suspect he'd take poker night very seriously.

The showrunner said the finale is effectively closing the book on chapter one and season 3 starts a new one.



Trakanon Raider
I forgot to mention, Sarah Shahi got bumped up to a series regular (in TV terms, is paid for (and thus usually appears in) every episode).

I'm not sure how I feel about that. Reese clearly works better when he has someone to bounce off of, but the two of them overpower everyone that isn't the combined US armed forces, as already said.