Yes hawks will attack and kill full grown chickens even in the back yard.
Well shit, only one way to find out? Probably need to keep them in their chicken run till they're bigger. Think I'll build a pretty decent sized run.I'm sure it's possible but in my 43 years of being around chickens I've never seen a hawk anywhere near a chicken and there are lots of hawks around here.
Well, doggo is hurting when she walks and peeing the bed a lot, so mom has decided it's time to go Old Yeller her next week. Feels bad man.
Welp, mom decided last week to put in a stay of execution, but doggo suffered a major stroke today, and the vet also said she had a brain tumor, so she had to be put to sleep anyways. Shitty day.
Our dog was an american eskimo, who also have congenital issues in the legs/hips. But hers was definitely a tumor. It was a lump on her leg that got bigger over the past year or so. Not sure if it started there and metastacised and went to brain or vice versa. Either way, over now. Mom has been a mess over it, and it does hurt not having her around for sure. She was the nicest little floof ball I have ever seen.Mrs. Haus and I are struggling with some of this right now. Our 16 year old long haired dox Lacey has been having mobility issues. Dachshunds are notorious for spine and rear hip issues and she's no exception. She was struggling some, Doc put her on a sodium chain blocker and mild NSAID and it helped and she went back downhill. We thought for sure a couple weeks ago when we took her to the vet it would be time to have "the talk". Instead the vet asked us about out floors (hardwood) and made recommendations to help her get better traction when walking. That and prescribed her a straight up pain killer (tramadol). Now she's till old and having the occasional accident in the house, but she's getting up, walking around, and seems a lot more aware and awake than she was. Hoping that "the talk" will be delayed a bit longer.
Also, hoping we get a lift on Covid restrictions soon a since when those weren't in place some of the Vet's that could "do the deed" would come do it at you house. Stupid and sentimental as it sounds I'd rather her last memories be here at home rather than in a Vet's office that's always been a place she hated.
Beautiful animal.My big dude has finally started to slow down. He's done more trail/back country miles than most humans but our last day hike really took something out of him.
He really is!Beautiful animal.
I've been putting food and water out in my stairwell throughout the day and something is eating it, but there's been no peeps at trying to get in, and this cat was super meowy. Could be a raccoon eating it for all I know.
I imagine the cat moved on or went home. Has me really wanting to get a second cat though, and I most likely will once the virus crap is over.
This is a pic I took of it when it was inside
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Likely under a year old, super friendly and incredibly soft fur. Would have made a good pet.
Mrs. Haus and I are struggling with some of this right now. Our 16 year old long haired dox Lacey has been having mobility issues. Dachshunds are notorious for spine and rear hip issues and she's no exception. She was struggling some, Doc put her on a sodium chain blocker and mild NSAID and it helped and she went back downhill. We thought for sure a couple weeks ago when we took her to the vet it would be time to have "the talk". Instead the vet asked us about out floors (hardwood) and made recommendations to help her get better traction when walking. That and prescribed her a straight up pain killer (tramadol). Now she's till old and having the occasional accident in the house, but she's getting up, walking around, and seems a lot more aware and awake than she was. Hoping that "the talk" will be delayed a bit longer.
Also, hoping we get a lift on Covid restrictions soon a since when those weren't in place some of the Vet's that could "do the deed" would come do it at you house. Stupid and sentimental as it sounds I'd rather her last memories be here at home rather than in a Vet's office that's always been a place she hated.
Dear diary,
Over the past week I embarked on a quest to catch a stray kitten I had been seeing around my building's parking lot. It's a semi-busy parking lot and it's starting to get a little colder off and on in Utah.
Night One: After camping its spawn for about an hour he/she/xir finally popped, and then after another hour of unsuccessful attempts to catch xir, a second kitty popped up! This kitty was not as clever as its pal (sibling?) and got insta-caught the minute it showed up. Unfortunately the original kitten managed to jump out of the hand slot in the bankers box I was using, so I was only able to catch the one that night. This kitty was clearly very frightened (it was a scary catching process) and just hid under my entertainment center. It never hissed at me though, so I was starting to become optimistic that they might not be completely feral. I really wanted to catch the original kitten, especially to calm down the one I did catch.
Night Two: I borrow a cat carrier from my sister and rig it up with some rope so that I can pull on it and quickly slam the door shut from like 30 feet away. Plopped some tuna fish in there and waited. Fortunately the kitty showed up within like 5 minutes. Unfortunately, this kitty was too smart for my weakass shit and never made even one attempt to enter my trap despite the fact that it was 100x better than the one I almost caught it with originally. It had learned.
Night Three: It was time to get serious. After re-watching the Ghost and the Darkness for inspiration, I realized what I was missing was the proper tools. So I went and bought a rifle and--just kidding. I went and bought a TNR trap from Home Depot and the fanciest Fancy Feast in all of Walmart. Chained my trap to the fence with a note detailing my plot, and by the time I could make a trip up to my apartment and back I had caught the little man eater.
They're now snuggling together under my entertainment center. They're still frightened, but they aren't freaking out or hissing, and they're warm with full bellies. Hopefully I just gained two new friends! Either way, I'll get them all fixed up and taken care of at least. I got a chuckle out of the fact that I just tossed down a $2 litter box and both these wild kittens just instantly started using it properly. Cats are so easy.
I'll post pics when I get some if anyone cares.