their lifespan is usually pretty short.
If there were any justice in this world, dogs would be immortal.
Mine just had a mast cell tumor removed this spring and we found another lump on her today. =(
Went to meet someone today at their house. Dude introduced me to his dog. Its called a Leonberger (or German Mountain Dog). Bastard was 180 pounds. Not Great Dane skinny big. This thing was a german tank. Random stock pictures of the breed below to show the size and scale of this monster. Nice as could be and very well behaved. I had never heard of these dogs before.
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Cats are insidious creatures. You don't get them to do what you want, they get you to do what they want. It is the way.Any cat advice here? I've got two of them here that have been together since kitten (11 now) but never got along. Now the male won't leave the female alone and it's really irritating. They're neutered/spayed.
Actually they did get along when they were small, got along great, until the female came back from being spayed. After that she didn't really let people pick her up and she didn't want the other cat near her. I don't know what the deal is but she has otherwise been fine since then and is very active.
In any case male cat won't leave female cat alone, so at night I separate them so I can go to sleep, and then male cat starts acting up with that, scratching on doors and making a lot of noise, waking me up all hours. It got to the point where I was installing pheromone diffusers, giving him shots of calming oil, and just straight-up spraying him with a bottle when he misbehaved. The calming oil works well but only for about four hours. The spraying works as a deterrent and most cats stop the behavior quickly with that, but not this guy, he'll wait a couple minutes and then try the behavior again. Over and over, to the point where after I've zapped him 10-15 times it's like "what am I doing". He isn't learning anything and at that point it just starts to feel like you're abusing a special needs kid.
There have been a few times lately when I had to put him in a cage in the bathroom and just leave him in there while I sleep because it's the only way I'll get any sleep. I hate doing that too.
Might try a pheromone collar next. If that doesn't work I'll have to give him up, and after 11 years of him being my bro I don't want to do that. Hell, I got him when I was still with my first girlfriend. I don't know if anyone else will be able to deal with him either if they have any other pets.
Any advice on how to get one cat to stop fooling with another cat so I can just let them both roam around at night and stop micromanaging the male at the detriment of any sort of normal sleep cycle?
One of my cats loves stalking and treating the other one like entertainment. Every night, the second we’d get into bed, the chasing would start and just would never stop. Was absolutely ruining my sleep, too. Thankfully, I have a second bedroom/office so I got a pet gate for that room and she has to sleep there now. Biggest thing is making the process of getting in there a routine. I keep her food and water bowl there so when we’re going to sleep and I’m feeding them dinner, she’s already going in there to eat. Also keep a litter box and bed/toys she likes in there as well. Has a window to a bird feeder outside as well.
Cat is also a stubborn turd during the daytime when she gets in a staking mood. You see it in her face and there is just no deterrent. Tossing other toys, water bottle, physically blocking her, etc. Yelling/scolding have 0 effect, that sort of shit just doesn’t work on cats, they’ve got almond brain.
Also, make sure you’re playing with him in some way. Sounds like he’s older but just some form of stimulation that you can get him going with, especially if it’s right before dinner/bed. Can try treat puzzles as well, if they’re sufficiently challenging that he can still get treats but it takes a couple minutes of work. Cat Amazing makes some good ones of varying difficulty. But the most challenging ones I have are a couple of small shipping boxes with some holes cut in and I stuffed in some shredded packing paper throughout them. You see him getting bored and want to start some shit, throw a few treats in there and let him work his little brain.
Love my cats, but goddamn were my dogs so much easier to mold behaviors of and train. Hopefully something here helps out. And also, if you go the separate room route at night time, like you’ve said, he’s going to bitch about it. The hardest shit to do there is to ignore his ass. It sucks, mine still whines on occasion too, but have to give 0 acknowledgement to it otherwise it reinforces that bitching = attention, even if it’s just you yelling at them. Good luck.
The turd in question:
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Cats are insidious creatures. You don't get them to do what you want, they get you to do what they want. It is the way.
Yeah, sounds a lot like my situation. Arya gets bored, wants to play/hunt and there's no better toy than another live animal. Sansa wants none of that shit and actively avoids her as much as possible, even when Arya's not being a bit of a jerk.
Here's the two puzzle boxes I've bought (the brown one's easy mode, the white one's a bit tougher). I'll also stuff some of their other small mice and balls in there as obstacles to work around while they're foraging.
CAT AMAZING Interactive Treat Maze & Puzzle Cat Toy -
Buy Cat Amazing Interactive Treat Maze & Puzzle Cat Toy at FREE shipping and the BEST customer service!
CAT AMAZING Sliders Interactive Treat Maze & Puzzle Cat Toy -
Buy Cat Amazing Sliders Interactive Treat Maze & Puzzle Cat Toy at FREE shipping and the BEST customer service!
And here's the ones I just did myself. Box, couple holes, some paper stuffing. The smaller one takes them the longest since they just have to feel around in there and can't really see into it well.
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Anyone have experience with sick cats? Mine suddenly is barely eating and is sleeping all day. First time he's acting this way. No visible injuries or anything. No vomiting or diarrhea as far as I know (he's mostly an outdoor cat but has been in the house all day). One odd behavior prior to this was trying to drink water out of the toilet.
If it’s acting this way for more than a a day or two it’s vet time. Like Gavin said, they’re difficult to notice when they’re sick. A lot of times they’ll even just physically hide, like under a bed or behind a couch.Anyone have experience with sick cats? Mine suddenly is barely eating and is sleeping all day. First time he's acting this way. No visible injuries or anything. No vomiting or diarrhea as far as I know (he's mostly an outdoor cat but has been in the house all day). One odd behavior prior to this was trying to drink water out of the toilet.
Anyone have experience with sick cats? Mine suddenly is barely eating and is sleeping all day. First time he's acting this way. No visible injuries or anything. No vomiting or diarrhea as far as I know (he's mostly an outdoor cat but has been in the house all day). One odd behavior prior to this was trying to drink water out of the toilet.
Sitting with my doge this morning and remembered when I posted this, well 4 years later he's still going. He has been on three medications twice daily this entire time and it seems to have really helped him. He is certainly getting older now has been blind since shortly after this event but he's a happy dog. I don't know how long he has but I'm happy he's been with us well past what I thinking would happen after leaving that hospital.
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Anyone else noticed the cost of pet flea medication skyrocketing in past year?
IvanMectin, includes a lady who'd like a visa for sucky-sucky.Probably because they have Ivermectin in most of them.