Pit bulls - The Breed of Peace


Rogue Deathwalker Box
<Silver Donator>
Jesus, sometimes the stupid here is off the charts.

A lot of dogs were bed for fighting, I own one now that was originally bred for war. 210lbs of muscle, teeth, and lapdog. Sweetest dog I have ever had, but twice I have seen him go ape shit trying to kill something (one dog, one black guy). And he constantly kills whatever he finds, but that is because he is trying to play with it and doesn't realize smaller animals don't want to be chomped and thrown in the air repeatedly. Lol

The only dogs with real issues that I am aware of are dalmations. Their skull doesn't grow right, then they go nuts.

Pits are great family dogs, just energetic and hard headed. So a lot of people fuck the dog up when trying to discipline them, even inadvertently.

Anyway, someone with a pit get some pussy you wanted as a kid or something?


Lord Nagafen Raider
I had a pitbull, he was a great dog, but he had a strong prey drive and would also get food aggressive. He was a rescue, and I got him for essentially free (I think shots were 100 bucks?), but I also had no other pets and no children around him. If I had kids I 100% would not have kept him because of the food aggression, it sucks, but it really just wasn't good behavior that you could tolerate around children, but was only trigger in that specific scenario, he'd be super gentle if you hand fed him, ie: could eat bits of your food gentle without nipping at your fingers, or 1 kibble at a time, but just would go absolutely nuts if the food was placed under him in a bowl. He absolutely loved people and other dogs though (did not fear at all letting him off leash in the dog park, never had any issues in 5 years, not one single fight), I lived with him from the time he was a puppy and he got introduced to new people and animals every single day for his first 6 months, he would completely ignore my neighbor's puppy as it would climb all over him and "attack" him constantly. But he would go into "attack mode" if he ever saw a squirrel or cat.

Anyway, I miss my dog, unfortunately my roommate accidently let him out one day without a leash and he got hit by a car while I was at work.

I'd get another pitbull in a minute, but not if he had any kind of aggression issues... such as in the OP story.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Jesus, sometimes the stupid here is off the charts.

A lot of dogs were bed for fighting, I own one now that was originally bred for war. 210lbs of muscle, teeth, and lapdog. Sweetest dog I have ever had, but twice I have seen him go ape shit trying to kill something (one dog, one black guy). And he constantly kills whatever he finds, but that is because he is trying to play with it and doesn't realize smaller animals don't want to be chomped and thrown in the air repeatedly. Lol

The only dogs with real issues that I am aware of are dalmations. Their skull doesn't grow right, then they go nuts.

Pits are great family dogs, just energetic and hard headed. So a lot of people fuck the dog up when trying to discipline them, even inadvertently.

Anyway, someone with a pit get some pussy you wanted as a kid or something?
You have a 210lbs dog? Pics or it didn't happen!


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
I had a pitbull, he was a great dog, but he had a strong prey drive and would also get food aggressive. He was a rescue, and I got him for essentially free (I think shots were 100 bucks?), but I also had no other pets and no children around him. If I had kids I 100% would not have kept him because of the food aggression, it sucks, but it really just wasn't good behavior that you could tolerate around children, but was only trigger in that specific scenario, he'd be super gentle if you hand fed him, ie: could eat bits of your food gentle without nipping at your fingers, or 1 kibble at a time, but just would go absolutely nuts if the food was placed under him in a bowl. He absolutely loved people and other dogs though (did not fear at all letting him off leash in the dog park, never had any issues in 5 years, not one single fight), I lived with him from the time he was a puppy and he got introduced to new people and animals every single day for his first 6 months, he would completely ignore my neighbor's puppy as it would climb all over him and "attack" him constantly. But he would go into "attack mode" if he ever saw a squirrel or cat.

Anyway, I miss my dog, unfortunately my roommate accidently let him out one day without a leash and he got hit by a car while I was at work.

I'd get another pitbull in a minute, but not if he had any kind of aggression issues... such as in the OP story.
The problem is some people find out they have "aggression issues" when they mangle the neighbor's kid.


<Prior Amod>
I've never met a Chow that wasn't a complete fucking psychopath towards anyone that didn't live in the house. Sure their owners get along with them, anyone else watch out. Seriously scary beasts most of the time.
I had a Chow/Sheppard, he was a great watchdog for this reason. He'd bark at the mailman/upsman. He was also racist, he hated black ppl! and the neighborhood kids loved him cuz he was a big red dog.

I trained him well and 99% of the time he walked by my side great, it was in PA though and sometimes a rabbit would just pop out of nowhere and he'd have that "stance" all dog owners know this "stance" he lowers his head, he stares at the rabbit, his body tightens, and he pounces. (when a big dog pounces and you're not ready, your fucksville) After a few years it would be followed by the biggest yelp uttered, b/c he'd basically choke himself, i couldn't untrain his rabbit hunting ways, he'd just snap when he'd see one.

Which is weird b/c we had pet rabbits for years, 2 little dumbass rabbits, they were so dumb, the dog would put his nose up to the cage and they'd lick his nose, he would rip them apart in a heartbeat. He would sit and stare at the cage for 12hours straight, no joke, he was probably waiting for the cage to open and he'd get them, this went on for years until the bunnies died of old age/sickness.

He was a faithful animal, he'd bark in the middle of the night 2x from memory (in ten years), i'd wake up, grab the bat and just hear "rustling", when i ran towards his barking, i'm guessing he scared off an intruder (he wasn't caged or kennel'd he had the run of the house cuz he was trained)

When guests came over, i'd stand him by the door, give them a treat to give to him and have them pet his head, this way he knew they were friendly in "our home".

As a dog owner, you have to "know" your dog and be honest, is your dog a "prey dog?" kids (and smaller) are prey to dogs, they aren't ppl, lol, you have to tell the dog, "don't fuck with this kid, he's a human!".

It's been said b4, it's not the breeds fault, it's the owners'.

oh he was also a rescue dog, coincidentally a "bait dog" he was the dog that pitbulls would beat up on, his left leg was fucked, and his wrist/arm was just fused together cuz of it.


what Suineg set it to
The fact is that pit bulls are dangerous not because they are insatiable killing machines but because their muscular jaws are made to destroy the flesh and bone of mammals and they have a temperament that is nowhere near "golden retriever safe". I mean it's the same bullshit argument with any animal and yes, there are plenty of breeds up there with pit bulls. The problem is people know and respect a horse sized akita killing machine for what it is but they don't respect the "diminutive" pit bull.

Few months ago I had a run in with some right before my dog died right outside my door- dumb lady with three against breed and number rules accidentally let one get off the leash and it charged my poor dog who had a fucking brain tumor and I put my foot in its face and stunned the shit out of it. Then another one got off and started chasing the other one briefly but they both turned after a min and came to the door and started growling/barking. I grabbed a mag for my AR just in case but she eventually got them lured away with treats and tied up in harnesses properly. Promptly called the complex emergency line and they're gone now.

Fuck that shit and fuck anyone that thinks they should be able to have animals like that in anything less than a fully secure yard/pen.


what Suineg set it to
Also should add there was a Bassett hound that was the same way that eventually disappeared. I'm not anti pit bull or whatever but know what the fuck you have. Even Siegfried and Roy got fucked once and they trained tigers for a living.


Musty Nester
that is about the dumbest thing I've ever read in the history of arguing about pit bulls.
I might be able to top it.

The problem with pitts is that they're built low to the ground and generally have a dark coloring and they won't bark while they're in an aggressive stance. It's like they're ninjadogs.

So I mean you have a toddler crawling around the house at night, and you're sitting there watching Barney Miller reruns on ME-tv, and there's this dog that instinctively knows night time is the killing time... and you figure it the fuck out.


<Prior Amod>
Few months ago I had a run in with some right before my dog died right outside my door- dumb lady with three against breed and number rules accidentally let one get off the leash
This also is a problem, while i'm all for walking your dogs at the same time, cuz it's cool and all, a tiny girl women, even a fatty mcfat is not going to be able to hold back any "against breed" dog, much less 3 (cuz once 1 dog goes, chaos ensues and they just loose their shit).

We all know most "against breed dogs" usually the big scary ones

fuck even german shepherds can make the list.

But a girl isn't going to be able to hold back 3 dogs. (honestly me at 180 and decently fit could barely keep my hand on the leash when my dog went all prey mode) And they probably use those stupid roller leashes (you have zero control with those things, that's not a leash, it's a fishing line)


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I feel like this is one of those times where opposing groups are talking past each other:

What people who don't like pitbulls being used as pets say: "The power and muscularity of a pitbull means that an attack by a pitbull is much more dangerous than other dogs."
What people who like pitbulls being used as pets hear: "All pitbulls are killing machines who can't be stopped!"


Mr. Poopybutthole
When I say all terriers are aggressive, I'm not claiming that Yorkies and Westies are every bit as dangerous as an Amstaff (or whatever dilution of the breed someone may own), obviously a Pit is far more dangerous due to it's size and musculature. But ultimately, it comes down to irresponsible owners and/or negligent parenting when children get hurt.

For the record, I had a job for a while working at a Vet Clinic with free office visit hours on the poor side of town, and every free office visit day we were flooded with pit bulls. Some obviously hadn't been brought up right, some were obviously poor socialized, but I never got bitten or even really came close to getting bitten by a pit. Our only boxer patient came close to taking a chunk out of me one day, but a couple hundred pit bulls, some fairly aggressive, and I never got bitten once.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
But ultimately, it comes down to irresponsible owners and/or negligent parenting when children get hurt.
A: Most fatalities occur from "against breed dogs" like pits, rots, mastiffs etc.
B: There are irresponsible owners of many different kinds of dogs and irresponsible parents abound.
C: Therefore, the biggest factor in danger is the dog's ability to do damage.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
There is no 'solution'. But probably the only thing you or I can do is be honest with the fact that while pits can make loving, caring and great dogs, so can other dogs that don't also come with the ability to destroy you, kill your children and rape your woman anytime it wants.


Unelected Mod
There is no solution, except make any owner of those breeds criminally liable if an attack by their animal occurs.
I agree with this, if there is some negligence on the owner. The shit that pisses me off is when some kid jumps into the backyard with someone's dog, gets bit, and then the dog is at fault. Fuck that shit.


<Prior Amod>
A: Most fatalities occur from "against breed dogs" like pits, rots, mastiffs etc.
B: There are irresponsible owners of many different kinds of dogs and irresponsible parents abound.
C: Therefore, the biggest factor in danger is the dog's ability to do damage.
actually there are many stories of "cute dogs" those small shits, doing dmg to babies.
Jack Russell terrier killed after infant attack | WTVR.com

Three Babies, Less Than Two Weeks, Mauled by Family Dogs! Update Now 4 May 9, 2012 | Responsible Dog ~ Its all about dogs

Jack Russell Terrier Killed By Owner After it Bites Off Infants Ear

Pet Jack Russell that killed eight-day-old boy 'had escaped through stair gate to attack child' | Daily Mail Online

Baby mauled to death by Jack Russell and bull terrier - Home News - UK - The Independent

Any dog can do dmg, they're fucking hunters, just b/c they look like this

doesn't mean it couldn't wreck a newborn. (i'd never trust any animal near a baby, even my dog that i'd trust w/ my life)


Unelected Mod
with the ability to destroy you, kill your children and rape your woman anytime it wants.
Well, I know you are joking, but while you are talking about talking past each other, one of the big problems in this debate is people acting like pitbulls are some magical version of dog that is super deadly. They may on the margins be slightly more dangerous than other large dogs, but not much more so.