Bronze Knight of the Realm
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In general the people in 666th have a lot of respect for the players in TE. They are a good group of players. We really don't care if Buzz insults us because its part of the game to talk shit about the people you are fighting against. Any large outfit is going to get called a zerg. TE and other large outfits are often called zergs. I know the people within those outfits understand that there is a lot of strategy actually going on behind the scenes. The reason a lot of people don't respect for Buzz is because of how he treats his own members. There was an instance in beta on Indar where TE had the high ground on the canyon walls and was firing rockets down on our armor column. He was calling us trash and all that shit which is fine. About 10 min into the battle we sent a platoon around to flank those on the canyon walls and took out Buzz and his crew up there. Right after that he just started shitting on his own players for about 15 minutes and blaming everyone else but himself for loosing the battle. He later took that recording down or just took that section out because I can't find it anymore. He's a real gem.He openly insults your outfit for being a mindless giant zerg and it is to some degree when you guys aren't running major ops but thats a big difference between the two times. When the majority of the jaeger crew logs the late night crew sometimes log in our Vanu alts on Connery. We see literally a million of you fuckers wrecking the VS. In fact i dont think i have fought any NC w/o 666 in tags. ( TR Chinese do this to VS in the morning and early afternoon)
Speaking of the VS on Connery, they are in need of some dire help. WTF? That is like the worst population imbalance i have ever seen. Saying they get raped on a nightly basis is such an understatement. It's like playing Hibernia or a even better example would be the Good team the first month on Sullon Zek lol.(add my alt if your on vs Connery btw -- RegimeVS ).
With that said its a shame you guys stayed west and didnt come to Matherson but with the Goons here maybe that is a good thing. I respect TE and played with them and against them. I understand your hate for TE. He respects my outfit which is rare and he bitched at someone on twitch for teabagging a member once haha. He used to be in my outfit i was told waaaay back when and left to form TE. He has excellent points and even being a KD whore I even agree with his hate for stats killing aspects of the game but he wants an emphasis on more infantry combat and that is his agenda( i cant blame him or Azure Twilight for wanting this)
It is upsetting that a lot of the major outfits went to Mattherson but we are mainly a West coast outfit so we picked Connery. We attempted to get a number of opposing outfits to join us on Connery but everyone went Mattherson. TRG are shaping up to be a great TR outfit on Connery. I think they are a little behind us in organization but they put up some great fights. It is a shame that VS doesn't have a larger population. I couldn't even tell you the name of a VS outfit on our server.