the patch notes state that vehicles take hardly any splash damage as is, so the splash reduction doesn't appreciably hurt your Magrider killing.
Um, yes, they dodge things, that's their perk. If you're still trying to use the very limited usability dumb-fire rockets under most conditions, you're going to have a bad time. Which is why every HA should have a lock-on launcher by now. Add the occasional jihadist mine bearing engineer, the "every engineer that can afford it" av-turret engineer, and the upcoming empire specific launchers, and you have A Lot of harassment.
And yes, it's only harassment; SOE's game plan clearly shows they expect 4-5 infantry to be required to take out armor in *most* circumstances. Even ignoring shitty, undefendable spawn rooms, cover-less kill zones everywhere, and the like; since it's far easier for 5 tanks to (even accidentally) work together than it is for 25 infantry, every faction's zerg is pretty fucked when enemy armor comes rolling in en-mass.