This patch was not worth the months of inactivity. As somebody who flies, I didn't gain any new frames what so ever. Actually, if I don't roll with Smoothing on (v-sync) and strap myself at 58 frames, my screen tearing is so bad that I can lose targets. And with their "optimization" changes, tracers fired from the ground do not render properly and its 10x harder to figure out the direction of the tracer. We are now back to being hit by magical bullets. This long over due patch was just a way to stall the masses to continue to play this broken game. Jigs up, nothing is new and what was changed was all smoke and mirrors. Oh, and in huge battles, the game looks smoother, but the controls become sluggish in vehicles just like before the patch. It was never a graphical problem, it was all the network traffic causing the game to grind to a halt. If you want to prove this, play on a low pop server at prime time, then head to Connery during prime time and witness the game feeling sluggish.
Since this patch did not fix the real glaring issues with this game, I have officially quit Planetside 2 indefinitely, and I will never play another SoE game ever again. To all you die hard EQ fans, EQN and all its side projects will be a complete flop of a game. SoE has not changed since the days Furor would rant on FoH's web page about all the problems that players are experiencing. They ignore the real problems and fix things that nobody wanted fixed. Only when there is a mass exodus do they try and fix the problems. By then, sadly it's too late. We saw it in every game they have ever made.
Edit: Fuck you Smedly, you are a giant faggot who must suck massive cock to still lead a studio. You know shit about games and even come off as a slimy cunt. Putting out videos of your office looking incompetent trying to fix problems didn't help your cause. F2P is not a free pass to release broken unfinished games with no solid game mechanics and shit performance. So fuck you, I'm out.