Planetside 2





Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
jesus fucking christ, battles are intense...just getting the hang of this as TR on Jaeger and its fucking amazing...I heard they are selling 3x amount of store cash on Dec 21, just waiting for that rumour to come true.


Yes, you can buy SC from the in game store aswell, like rb mentioned, wait for friday, since it's supposed to be a triple deal.


Well I played the first one, as well as beta on this one. since it launched and SOE had enough of a clue to have it on steam-- How many servers are out there and how many have they added since launch? I'd think that the 'omgfreesteamgame' aspect should give it a pretty strong start, but then again this is a sony game we're talking about here. I was happy with the game on beta besides from a few quirks and the fact they changed the way things worked every week or so... has the game become a stable and enjoyable platform now?


TR guys who just started and aren't heavily invested or Vanu guys who want to try a TR alt- come to Waterson. We have platoons up and running most of the day and a dedicated teamspeak. ARC is the outfit, friend JendrykEpsilon or PM me here to get squad invites and teamspeak info. They were a hell of a lot of help in getting me up to speed on the game, and our leaders are pretty dedicated and organized.

In other words, get your asses over to Waterson and fuck up some Vanu with me goddamnit.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
For the triple. buy the walmart cards. they give a bonus 500 SC , which turns into 1500 on friday. So 15 bucks for 6k SC.
The new player experience reminds me of my first days in Everquest in 2000. I had no idea what to do or when to do it. I died talking to me home city guards. Expect the same from Planetside2. However you will be rewarded with one of the most epic games ever made after you learn the ropes. This has to get "Game of the Year" honors.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
does it apply in canada as well?
I can't see why not? I cant say for certain, but you are just redeeming cards worth 2k SC on the 21st to get 6000. I would think as long as the walmart near you has the cards it wouldn't matter since you do the redeeming through SOE website.

Edit : Didn't mean to double post.


Any fans of the underbarrel nade launcher? I've noticed some odd behavior lately, just curious if anyone else has seen this:

Sometimes when I log in, every other respawn, the game either thinks on the server side that I don't have a launcher, or that I'm out of ammo. I'll see them fire on my screen, get a damage indicator, but I do zero damage to my target(s). Next time I die, they work fine.

At first I thought I was imagining things, but then I discovered that the enemy doesn't even hear the firing or explosion. I've snuck up behind people and shot them from 5 feet away in the back with it. Reloaded, shot them again, then walked in front of them and died to see the damage, and they'd have zero shield or health damage.

I think it has some correlation with engineer ammo not resupplying the grenades. Sometimes you can pick them up sometimes you can't, but I haven't had a chance to confirm that it is during a no-damage life.


<Silver Donator>
Yeah all these are common bugs, other common bug is using a grenade launcher fucks your sights on your normal gun, when you strafe while aiming down the sights, the gun is moved to the left and covers like half the screen and the reticule isn't in the center of the screen anymore, so you basically can't move if you want to aim. Only changing class and sometimes relogging fix it.

It's a very strong weapon but it's buggy as shit. Still strong enough to be worth buying imo, even with all the bugs.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah the GL bug is super annoying. It and the jetpack one are the two I run into most often, so are at the top of my list. I can't count the amount of times I die due to the GL doing no damage and me dying in the time it takes to switch to main rounds. Like pyros said, it still the best imo for the times it one shots someone or takes out a max or you happen to fire the last little damage on a vehicle and get the kill.

Oh wait the other bug is the /re chat not working 75% of the time. Hard to tell your faction where a sundy is, which way to attack etc when you can only use yell and the other side reads it also :p

Thankfully it seems the vehicle crap that was happening in the last week was fixed, or at least it hasn't happened to me again. Nothing more annoying then getting out of your vehicle to repair it and cant interact with it, get back in and all you can do is deconstruct it.

I really hope they bring back Orbital Strike. Will be interesting to see how they balance it and what the cost would be. I hope its something significant, like 2k certs and rank 60-75 and above. Since in ps1 it took a decent time to grind(after they balanced capping exp early in launch).

I hate that anyone who spent 100 certs and leads a squad(can literally be you and 1 random person) can talk in the global orders channel. The ps1 version was much better, took Command rank 5 and you only got command exp by leading a squad/platoon when a base caps and the amount was based on opposition in the base you took(so no full exp for capping empty bases), so it took a while and not a whole lot of people could do it in relation to total players. Thankfully it seems a lot of people are not yet aware of it yet and the trolling/spam hasn't started.


Someone mentioned that feeling of being lost and all of the sudden being in battle and crazy shit is happening - I've been playing this game since release and it still gets me pumped every single time.

Tonight on Jaeger (vanu) I was playing and we had a full squad talking and cooperating with each other and we all bought Liberators for fun cause we were dominating the map we were on - so we had 12 liberators flying through the sky and some motherfucker started playing Ride of the Valkyries over the mic. I got chills and even though we did nothing productive but eventually try to crash into an enemy galaxy.. I think I will always remember that moment. Holy shit. I wish I had my stream going.


Vyemm Raider
On Jaeger (vanu) as well. Accept my friend request xzi.

Started a list of things I like/dislike compared to PS1
+ 'Q' to spot enemies and place them on the mini-map (awesome idea)
+ Ability to pilot everything as a new player
+ Cert point system is more interesting and varied
+ No more waiting for the HART
+ No more nano tubes in inventory
+ Cloaky sniper, yes please
+ Magrider - the driver canon is much more interesting now and very capable solo
+ in-game voice chat - not perfect but a good step forward
+ Base layout - much more interesting and a better balance imo for mixed combat
+ no BFR's
+ day/night (and soon weather)
+ ammo recharge areas and engineer ability
+ F2P and not pay to win.
+ largest battles I have seen with this decent of graphics (didnt think this was achievable but they did a pretty nice job d

Some things I dont like:
- No tutorial. PS1 did a great job letting you play with all the gear on the home-world and you actually got XP for doing so. 8 hour timer on trial weapons and a 30 day cooldown on trying again? Bleh.
- Crashing - ya there are some annoying bugs but it seems to be improving.
- Grenades are made of rubber
- I miss vehicle repair areas so I dont need to spec engineer just to drive a vehicle effectively.


For new players doing the triple station cash and double XP... If you like playing heavy assault doing some pretty heavy damage on tanks as infantry, seriously consider the SKEP launcher ground version. Rocket launcher that locks onto ground targets and can actually lock farther than it can effectively hit, but the range is still pretty insane.

Last night me and two guys with SKEP launchers took out an entire armored column of NC Vanguards and Lightnings, probably 20+ tanks in all while they tried to defend their base and push out against a Vanu attack on Esamir. We had engineers dropping us ammo regularly and snipers picking off enemy infantry once they caught onto our position, but with adequate support you cause a hugely disproportionate amount of damage with these things. With a few decent teammates, good timing, and effective use of terrain, you can stop whole armored assaults dead that far outnumber you.

Also, for noobs fighting armor- shoot at the side and back of the tank. Sounds like common sense, but it makes all the difference in the world.

and some motherfucker started playing Ride of the Valkyries over the mic. I got chills and even though we did nothing productive but eventually try to crash into an enemy galaxy.. I think I will always remember that moment. Holy shit. I wish I had my stream going.
Haha, we do this almost every time we have an air raid. Last time was a 12 galaxy suicide run, Outfit leader was playing it over Proximity chat so people around in the air and random noobs on the ground could hear it. Squad teamwork makes the game so much better.