Ahn'Qiraj Raider
See I just figured that the 30+ seconds it takes that invisible Max to kill you (assuming you don't just fly off at 20 seconds, hide, and repair (net exp result from the exchange you: 150ish, him zero and half his ammo gone)) was some form of whacky balance for aircraft getting hurdur .5-1.0 TTL rocket pods.
In all seriousness, yes I know that the render thing's a bug, and that rocket pods are somewhat expensive cert wise. Still won't make me think they're balanced as is. Give infantry a 1k cert into a 3 second explosion invuln or something. Give AA per shot exp rather than kill only exp. Give rocket pod reloads a resource cost.
but Aircraft hunting infantry using a full salvo of missiles per squishy should be fairly rare.
To the new guys. If you spawn into a vehicle filled shitstorm, and it doesn't appear that your sides ready to waste half it's force on no-exp-earning AA, next death spawn someplace else further away, or back at the warp. At that point you can either choose to try to grab a vehicle and fight fire with fire, or you can go try to fight at another base or continent. But spawning into hellfire-from-the-sky doesn't just magically get better.
In all seriousness, yes I know that the render thing's a bug, and that rocket pods are somewhat expensive cert wise. Still won't make me think they're balanced as is. Give infantry a 1k cert into a 3 second explosion invuln or something. Give AA per shot exp rather than kill only exp. Give rocket pod reloads a resource cost.
but Aircraft hunting infantry using a full salvo of missiles per squishy should be fairly rare.
To the new guys. If you spawn into a vehicle filled shitstorm, and it doesn't appear that your sides ready to waste half it's force on no-exp-earning AA, next death spawn someplace else further away, or back at the warp. At that point you can either choose to try to grab a vehicle and fight fire with fire, or you can go try to fight at another base or continent. But spawning into hellfire-from-the-sky doesn't just magically get better.