This game should be right up your alley since its 3pp only.bullshit game, guns are super inaccurate when you hip fire! <3![]()
They've done nothing with the net code in, nearly a year now?
They don't care about the Chinese menace that has ruined online communities.
Their heads are in hookers' cleavages as far as I can tell.
The cheating in this game is out of fucking control. Its not that its bad, its really fucking bad. 1 out of 3 games and thats being generous, there is some fucking asian with a name like 19498r8748939 cheating. no fucking attachemets, not sights, just hip firing with no recoil and hitting every shot at 2-400 meters away.
The game is quickly becoming not fun for me.
I finally bought this today and I actually do not like it. The controls feel so weird to me and that is the biggest reason why I do not like it. The jumping and the momentum just feel so clunky compared to every other FPS I have ever played. I wonder if the controls in Fortnight feel tighter? I have never invoked the refund policy on Steam, do you think they will give me a refund? I have less than an hour played.
Yeah they just sent the refund confirmation. I am really surprised I did not like it, my expectations must have been too high.I just needed more polish in the controls, if it felt as tight as Overwatch I might have called in sick on Monday because I love the idea of the Battle Royal.They should refund it, I think it's 2 or 4 hours played as the cut off.