Pre orders went live in Norway in April for many major retailers. The console was listed at $1k, where the price would be lowered to match the real amount when the price was announced. Even at that price, thousands upon thousands were pre-ordered, and stores that followed "normal" pre orders now in September had to close their sales 15 minutes in because sales were way beyond the number of consoles they had confirmed they would get.
So what does that mean? Pre-order e-mails are now going out saying that people that pre ordered even in July of this year have expectant delivery dates of July 2021 or later. Ordering one now would probably get you in for Christmas 2021 unless Sony steps up their production game.
I don't like resellers, but with total messes like these, I can fully understand them. You could make bank here. I expect VERY high prices on ebay or the Norwegian equivalents unless Sony delivers way more consoles than what retailers have gotten confirmed so far.
So tip for you resellers here, find out if the PS5 power supply can handle US and EU voltage (US= 110, EU=220) The PS3 did as it had a range of 110-240. I for instance bought mine from a retailer in Canada when it was released. Just needed a different power cable, but worked just fine. If the PS5 can do the same, add a note that you will ship internationally and put a console or two up for sale for EU markets with no minimum price/auction.
What a mess.