I don't think we could get a character like Kira again. She refers to herself as a terrorist and doesn't shy away from the fact that Bajoran's died as a result of her actions as a member of the resistance but she's also a (mostly) good and honorable person and one of the main members of the cast. She isn't some throwaway character in a message episode. We're with her almost every week. The stories centered around her are often very, very serious but they don't shy away from anything. We're not spoon fed messages about how right she was to do the things she did nor is she some stoic grimderp caricature of a war vet. She has real depth. The show was full of deep characters.
I seem to remember one episode that painted her as a straight villian. Not one of the mirror universe ones, it was just a Kira backstory episode.
DS9 was very good sometimes. They didn't shy away from the fucked up. Chikote from Voyager was basically the same character done incredibly poorly.
I don't care what anyone says, I really enjoy TMP. Great when stoned as well.
sounds like it'll be part of the new movie universe
'Star Trek' Boss: Picard Leads "Radically Altered" Life in CBS All Access Series
Now, Trek captain Alex Kurtzman is pulling back the curtain on the upcoming project, revealing that a cataclysmic event depicted in J.J. Abrams' 2009 Star Trek movie impacted Picard in a big way. In that film, written by Kurtzman and former producing partner Roberto Orci, it was revealed that Nimoy's Spock failed to save the Romulan homeworld Romulus from a supernova several years after the events of Nemesis.
Now, Kurtzman is ready to reveal one massive clue about the premise of his CBS All Access Picard effort, due in late 2019: "Picard's life was radically altered by the dissolution of the Romulan Empire". The Picard series will be the first onscreen Trek story set in the aftermath of that event, which would have altered the balance of power in the galaxy. The destruction of Romulus would also have extra resonance for Picard, who has a long and complicated relationship with the Romulans, the alien race that split from Vulcan society thousands of years ago and founded a separate civilization. The Romulans went on to control a portion of the galaxy, and the empire was in opposition to the Federation for all of Picard's career.
Interesting, but I don't know if I'd want to go see that in a theater. DS9 is probably my favorite series and Ira Steven Behr usually gives insightful interviews. Shout factory is the company that has been putting together great special editions of classic movies and putting them in nice steelcases. A strong maybe.there's some movie playing in theaters May 13th only thats like a look back at DS9, sounds interesting
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