Wasn't his name assface or something in the comic? And similar to the hysteria in the 90s everyone was concerned that since he was popular and disfigured himself others will copycat?Not a major spoiler at all. The reason for his scarred face WAS:
Kid with the deformed face shot himself in a suicide attempt. In the source material (because it was the 90's) he and some other dopey kid made a suicide pact because their lives were shitty and Kurt Cobain had recently killed himself. Since that won't relate well with the current generation who knows what they make up for as the reason. If they do make one up at all. It was really just fluff. Not the scarred face, but the reason for it.
Guy who ate a teabag I cannot place. No idea.
EDIT: Nitpicky but can we get AMOD to change the name of this thread to something less wordy? Like Preacher (TV series) or something?
Tenks, I know you're a pretty popular <insert gender appropriate pronoun here>, but do you have room for another friend? I feel like we could bro it out. #nohomoWasn't his name assface or something in the comic? And similar to the hysteria in the 90s everyone was concerned that since he was popular and disfigured himself others will copycat?
Its been a few years since I read Preacher. I didn't really like it enough to give it another read, either.
Arseface. His story gets progressively more batshit insane as the comic goes on.Wasn't his name assface or something in the comic? And similar to the hysteria in the 90s everyone was concerned that since he was popular and disfigured himself others will copycat?
Arseface is one of my heroes... which probably makes me a horrible person.Arseface. His story gets progressively more batshit insane as the comic goes on.
Considering the reviews, this is a surprise.0.9 rating in adults 18-49 and 2.4 million viewers overall in ?live plus same-day? estimates
lead in ?Fear the Walking Dead? averaged a 1.9 rating in adults 18-49 and 4.4 million total viewers
premiere episode available online (free, no authentication required) on AMC?s mobile app and through Apple TV.
not great for a premier, but guess ok with time slot and night
Bruh, I'm about as anti-SJW as they come. Just because a show has someone saying those things, doesn't mean the tone of the entire show is that. It's ok to have man-bashing characters in a story. It's when the entire story is encompassed by shit like that, that it becomes a problem.Tried to like this.
Got as far as the 10 year old girl saying, "Stronk womyn don't need no man around..." then the usual "Stupid men this stupid selfish men that..." before I gave up.
They should label shows by social justice warrior level 'cause I got tired of the man-bashing 10 years ago.
I thought the pilot was awesome too, the fucking Irish vampire was the shit.i didnt get any SJW shit from the pilot, maybe i was having to much fun watching the badass fights and gore.