Ehh, I gotta go with Vvoid. Just keeping it in spoilers a la the Walking Dead thread still enables you to have all sorts of fun conversations but without possibly 'spoiling' stuff for others.
There's just getting to be too much good shit out there these days to keep abreast of. I read the GoT books a few seasons ago so I could avoid spoilers, I read TWD, I'm currently on book 3 of the Dark Tower / Gunslinger series in preparation for that show coming out, and I plowed through Ready Player One last week to prepare for that movie. Now I gotta add Preacher! Because this show is really awesome so far. And it'd be awesome to talk with other TV viewers here without in-depth knowledge of every (potential/probable) plotline.
I mean come on, we don't want 2 threads for every show/movie that was a book, so just keep book discussion inside an easy little spoiler tag. Otherwise us TV folks who just wanna watch a show, enjoy it, and discuss it are precluded from all these threads. This feels like common sense to me. If not you might as well just link the wiki plot synopsis of the entire series in the first post so everyone is on the same page.