I ran a fairly hardcore raiding guild in WoW back in the days of Vanilla/Burning Crusade. We had multiple sets of husbands and wives that played together, but one took the award for most dedicated raiders.
The lady had been pregnant for a long time and was nearing her due date, this was going to be her 3rd kid. We're gathing up for a Blackwing Lair raid(still the days of 40-mans) and her husband informs us that she'll be a couple minutes late, but she'll be there, save her a spot, so we do. She finally shows up a few minutes later and I ask her if everything is ok, and she says "Yeah, I'm just having contractions" She was pretty calm about it so I didn't think much of it. About halfway through the raid the husband messages me and asks "do you think we can try to speed up a bit, I think we're going to the hospital tonight". WTF!. So I kick the raid into overdrive, we clear the place in a good 30-45 minutes faster than we normally did, and both of them log off instantly as soon as Nefarian was down, they didn't even wait around for loot. Dude posts on our messageboard the next morning that she gave birth about 90 minutes after the raid ended, they had only been at the hospital for about an hour.
Holy crap, that's some dedication to raiding right there, she must have been having contractions pretty damn frequently, at least towards the end of the raid. Her performance didn't really slip a bit (damn ez-mode Warlocks)