We called our insurance company yesterday and they will only fully cover a manual pump, so fuck that.
They will cover an electric pump if my wife's OB deems it medically necessary. I think we'll be able to work something out...
Grab the manual as a to go option anyways - the electric should be over and above that. No sense in not taking advantage of coverage you're already paying for imho - especially for an item that you can use.
So.....in news that would come as no shock to anyone that knows me.....I HAVE to stop buying shit off my registry LOL. I seriously am going to put all the baby stuff in a room and take a picture of it with the date and how far along I am (19 weeks thurs) and say "next time someone tells you that they couldn't wait to know the sex of the baby because they have to 'be prepared', show them this."
I have consumables left on there (diapers, wipes, powder, shampoo, meds), a SECOND ergo baby carrier (I already have one plus a moby wrap), the bouncer, a compact swing (large swing has already been purchased by my mom), bottles, one swaddleme, a mesh bumper, toys, a thing to prop up baby for baths, SOME medical stuff (aspirators, comb & brush, thermometers, a bumbo and tray, pack and play, diaper genie and refills, washcloths and towels, the snuza monitor, socks, some white/plain onesies, a mattress pad, SMALL houseproofing stuff (electric socket covers, toilet locks etc), and sophie the giraffe.
We'll be ordering the rest of the furniture in mid march (crib, nightstand, dresser) - we already ordered the area rug and lazyboy rocker/recliner.
That's it. At this point its FAR easier to describe the stuff I don't have than try and enumerate the stuff that I do. I'm hoping that that is enough to survive one small friends and family shower and two separate work showers.
But I feel like I've reached the point where if I have to complete a lot of this stuff in June I'm really good to go and the cash outlay shouldn't be egregious to do so.
Registered for birthing class at the hospital for April, infant care and CPR classes in June, day care tour in March.
Regular appointment this wed and anatomy scan is a week from Thursday.
Still.Losing.Weight. I've given up trying to dress myself at this point. All my pants are falling down despite the baby bump. If I could wear leggings to work everyday I would. I'm sorely tempted.
Baby is super active today. I didn't start feeling any movement until about 10 days ago - right around 17 weeks. Since then it would be very occasional and very light but today its like wtf. Its not gas and its not a muscle spasm. No stretch marks yet to report. And I consistently feel like my right nipple is trying to abandon ship. MF'er hurts SO.BAD.