hehe I have no idea if anyone I know still plays, such as yourself etc. that is mostly the reason why I was playing was to chill with the bros. I am glad guild crap is calming down and whatever the reotation/rush/ffa etc has had some time to be established- I mostly want to play some beta- as I most likely wont get any dings on my bard till then.
I am just kinda bummed because they wont unban Cory my ranger from the TMO mass ban thing and they...or maybe they did? unban my shaman that I had some decent shit on... I honestly forgot if I got that one unbanned as he was 5 deep on some RMT and they confirmed he was just a plat holder, not even related or whatever- but whatever... its just the ranger loss put my dream of having all 60 hybrids down, and well a shaman is ALWAYS good to have- I may return as my pally, but not if elethia gets all his armor nerfed ;-)
edit: I bought the shaman w plat 3 days before they banned account sales etc...so I didn't RMT bla bla etc.. fyi