there's not much hard evidence either way about the issue. nirgon can probably explain more than i can. but even if it is true that you could hand in epics pre-46, i would guess (emphasis on guess) that there were maybe at most dozen low level characters of each class that got twinked with epics during Velious/Kunark? possibly even less than a dozen, but either way its gotta be a whole lot less than the number of rogues that had Ragebringers equipped at level 1 on P99....I just don't understand why disabling all mq epics would feel classic. People did that shit on classic.
don't do it. seriously. the economy is so stupidly inflated, and the end game is so overcrowded. check out some of the other EQEmu servers, or hold out for Teams99 / Recycle99.So after being without a computer for the last year, I just got a desktop back up and running. Someone talk me out of starting back up on this hellhole.
seems true. hopefully its cut back on the RMTers that are scrub-tier players, at least. might have also gone the other way and now RMT PLers might make even more money.... who knows.Takes all of 1 or 2 days to PL a char to 46. All this did was make lowbie groups even worse.
Chardok always gets hilarious during 2x exp sessions. Shame I won't be there to see it this timeMight actually be worth dicking around during double xp with velious up. Last time there were 50+ in CoM alone.
Seems to be a shift in emphasis on preventing RMT post daybreak.Only took a year longer than planned. We talked about this back in Jan 2014 before I left the staff and they planned on changing it then. Wonder why it took so long. Kinda of pointless now.
I don't know the details, I know they had a handful of randoms wanting the big faction hit- so free DPS. I think there was the first engage by ramp, then? they camped it? another guild(s) piddled with it "wiped" after 2 tics of regen ramp re-engaged and killed it? I think that's what I heard...I wasn't there I was piddling around with who knows what.Heard AoW was done by like 4 guilds?