You have to make your own groups. I went to EC, /who all 7 12, and send tells asking if people want to try orc camp. You may need to take a leadership role. For example, I organized an orc 1 group - we needed to break the camp. So save a spot in the group for a cleric/enchanter/druid to lull, and when we get one, work with that person in tells to make sure the lull pull doesn't get fucked up.
It's not like WoW where the group is auto created for you and you don't even have to talk to group members because you're all just spamming hotkeys in ezmode dungeon. You have to communicate and make effort. It's why I like EQ and to some extent liked vanilla WoW (early on before uber raid loot you had to use CC, etc in dungeons though it was still pretty easy).