lol it wasn't the slowness that bothered me with those clockworks, it was the inevitable trains when i couldn't keep them rooted.
pally soloing on red wasn't that bad tho. i think i busted out level 45 in like two or three hours. i've got some pretty l33t root jousting skills though.
the recent solo exp nerf has pretty much destroyed any chance that i will come back to red, i think.
maybe someday.
my pally root jousting strategy --
equip Argent Defender (49 delay)
root mob
turn on auto attack
immediately step back out of mob's melee range
sit down, watch my inventory screen, get in a meditate tick
get back up, step forward an inch or two, turn on auto attack to get in a swing
step back out of mob's melee range, sit back down, watch for meditate tick
rinse, repeat
was able to finish some fights with near full health and full mana. the fights were a little long compared to some classes, but when you have no downtime between...
i wish there was a good pally two hander with exactly 60 delay on it, would be perfect for sneaking in those meditate ticks.
i also wish there was a pally race that could equip the Weighted Axe.