Kaesora has a 110 ZEM which is about 1.5 times the standard exp. But yeah if you can handle the zone (big if) it's a fantastic spot. As a 60 druid it was my go-to zone to powerlevel after Unrest and SolA. After that was the southeast corner of CoM although nowadays the server is probably too crowded to powerlevel there anymore. (incidentally Unrest has a 130 ZEM which is roughly 1.75 times the standard ZEM)don't forget Kaesora! its got a 2x exp mod and can take you up to the low 40s.
I like to take other variables into consideration when selecting locations to exp at though. 9 times out of 10 choosing the safer location is the smarter choice. All it takes is a single CR in Kaesora to erase any advantage the zone's ZEM gave you over other options, which is why it's often empty of players. Unrest basement is the safest dungeon zone in the game for its level range for several reasons. Also the undead mobs don't flee which is nice for DS powerleveling. Kaesora has cleric mobs as well which can be obnoxious without stuns in your group.