Im getting the EQ itch and I haven’t really given P99 a shot in years. Should I start here or over on Blue? I will be casual and kind of want to play an enchanted or cleric on Green or shaman on blue.
Green is where the majority of players are now and likely will be for the next ~2.5 years, so I would go green.
Funny, that reasoning is why I'm about to go blue
I still say the single group dungeon crawl was the best part of the EQ experience.
I actually want to play a rogue since it’s the only class I have not played. I really don’t want to be LFG as a rogue though since there is nothing you can do. And the itemization in classic is rough for rogues. And it’s rough doing /who with people anon/RP. Rogue and cleric it is I bet.Juste log in, do a / all cleric count, / all Rogue count, / all druid count....
Or may be / all cleric 10 50 count, or 20 50 or whatever seems revelant.
Druids are far too many, shaman and chanties a lot. Few rangers, rogues, sk, paladins.