Good lord, the xp rate on this server is brutal. Between the Race & Class xp penalties, one-level a night is like best case scenario. Maybe it will get a bit better when I can find solid groups doing dungeons like Kurn's or Unrest.
It is fun though. Ding'd level 7 and climbing slowly.
Good lord, the xp rate on this server is brutal. Between the Race & Class xp penalties, one-level a night is like best case scenario. Maybe it will get a bit better when I can find solid groups doing dungeons like Kurn's or Unrest.
It is fun though. Ding'd level 7 and climbing slowly.
lol p1999 is such a fucking jokeNo one talking about the raid bans today? Seal Team got indefinitely banned on green.
Blue/Green: Seal Team is raid suspended indefinitely - Project 1999
Blue/Green: Seal Team is raid suspended indefinitely Blue Raid
> TLDR: GMs pass rule on Green where raid force that gets 3x consecutive Traks sits out 4th for 12 hours. ST deletes Green UN. ST topples recently-made player agreement concerning letting Efreetis spawn in Sky. ST tramples on open raid Vox and takes it for themselves. Tempter tantrum of epic proportions met appropriately with a firm spanking.
Holy shit. Theres a fucking UN discord channel where guilds vote on whether another guild is allowed to kill raid content or not? Just when I thought p99 couldnt get any more ridiculous(and obv NOT classic)