I think the literal thing that got me the most fired up us the weeks worth of people pulling through other camps.
Like literally, run through your group, grab three mobs, and train your group thinking they wont social aggro the group and wipe us. I wont even bring up the fact that they are just grabbing our camp. But thinkng a 6 mob train through us makes sense.
Its mostly shit bards who are pulling 10 at a time despite the limits.
It started as them pulling entire outdoor zones.
Now we have brainiacs trying to 10 kite indoors
and for every 10 retards there is about 1.5 spergs who will quit groups, boot people from groups, or try to black list people in their guild if someone isnt 100 percent min maxing every moment.
I saw in Guild chat a guy try to blacklist someone in my group because they were a chanter using a charm pet that wasnt the literal best option. Wont say what guild but I left it cause I didnt click with the peeps