You know, every time people disagree with me, they say something along the lines of "Tanoomba is retarded", "This is the stupidest thing he's said", "He's talking out of his ass", etc. At no point do you condescending fuckers even attempt to contradict the foundation of my arguments. "Ha ha you is reetardz!!1!!1!" does not a cogent counter-argument make. If you're too fucking lazy to say something of merit, shut the fuck up and take your high and mighty judgmental bullshit somewhere else.
Like I said to you, Gav, if the 1% are not psychopaths, then they're Bond villains. If that alternative somehow makes you feel smarter than me, fine. But I gave you the definition of psychopathy I've been using and showed you very clearly how the 1% fit that description beautifully. Being a condescending cunt doesn't take anything away from anything I've said.
I have no doubt that there are plenty in the 1% that fit your criteria. The problem is you putting it on them all, which is just absurd. If you saw someone painting all poor people as lazy pieces of shit, you would rightly be upset. Yet this broad paint of a brush you are fine with.
Again, I am not saying that we shouldn't try to change things. What I am saying is you are doing your cause a disservice by painting all the 1% as horrible psychopaths. If the majority of the top 1% in this country were psychopaths, or even a large minority, we would be WAY the fuck worse off. I am talking dystopia levels of fucked.
You can be a hard worker and be poor. You can be lazy and be poor. Either way, you're not really hurting anybody. If you are a member of the 1% you are actively and intentionally hurting all of society with every cent you pry out of circulation. You can't do this without being a psychopath. Hoarding beyond-obscene levels of wealth is not something that happens circumstantially (like being poor sometimes does), it's done consciously and with intent. If you had any kind of conscious at all, you would not be able to remain a member of the 1%. These are mutually exclusive features, unlike being poor and being a hard worker, or being poor and being lazy.
You can be a good guy and be rich. You can come up with a brilliant product or service and make millions and that's fine. But no single product or service puts an individual into the 1%. They get that way by moving money around and snowballing it into more money. That's it. They are not an important part of society, they are a huge detriment to society. Now, if you think my brush is too broad, I'm willing to entertain the notion that perhaps, once in a while, one of these guys might consider that they are one of the "bad guys" while they are lying in bed at night. But in the end, the drive to hoard ever more wealth overpowers any feelings of guilt or rationality. It has to, or they wouldn't keep doing it.
- The wealth gap is the single most influential factor in the problems plaguing society today (crime, education, health care, etc).
- The driving force behind this wealth gap is the 1% and they know it.
- Therefore, if you are part of the 1%, then you know you are the reason why things are shit for the majority of the population.
- Because the 1% have no intention of rectifying this problem (Why would they? They're doing great!), they are able to effectively "tune out" the damage they are doing and have it not bother them in the least.
- This is textbook psychopathy.
If anybody has a problem with one or more of these points, feel free to point out why.