Zeus is by far the most popular Twinlit team, I just haven't put anything in to him since I've been focusing on my Kirin team and that happens to be Light. Ugh.
Managed Izanami Legend 2 stone with Luci team that is still sort of half-assed. 2x Awoken Hera(unskilled, lvl70 and 54), DJ(Max skill, lvl 40ish) and D/B Vamp I just Uvo'd(Max skill, lvl50ish). Luci team with just over 50k is pretty weak. Had to stone 1st round because I forgot about the sucker punch combo. No way to avoid that with Luci=/ And got stuck using one on Yomi because I was dumb and burned DJ early for Vamp swap damage and proceeded to not have more than 2 hearts on screen for 5 straight turns. Real dumb by me.
Got light Izanami. Piece of cake, just slow because of skill binding. And he dropped so that's cool, he's the one I wanted. Maybe go back some day with a spike team just for the other.
So I've done all the Descends except Zeus-Dios, Athena, and Tengu. Some on wimp mode like Izanami. Tengu I think I'll take Robin after next time he's up. Athena I should be able to do with Kirin I think. Dios I just don't have the horses. Luci won't keep up once he goes mean mode. Mono red doesn't have the RCV to keep up until he's low enough to burn. Probably take a stab at it with Kirin once I get that team leveled up some more, HP right now is very weak. Will cost a few stones but should get him dead in a couple combos.
After I get Tengu done I'm tempted to work on Robin in a more serious fashion. Hate not having such a high power leader for anything limited like that in the future, but that little fruitcake is legit.