Puzzles and Dragons


<WoW Guild Officer>
Beyond Friday daily dungeon, where do you guys farm Dub mythlits? KoG?

Also, surprise twinlits tomorrow. Get your team ready!


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, KoG which was really what is driving me to find a stable farm team. But I'd still probably only do it on 1.5x days.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeah, KoG which was really what is driving me to find a stable farm team. But I'd still probably only do it on 1.5x days.
I'm still testing sub configs but I feel like Satan will end up being pretty stable for kog. You can take 1 hit from tiamat so your number of stalls turns is goal-11.

The hardest part is having enough orbs for cdd and Zeus on one turn attacks.

The tri-fruit Satan setup is nice because it produces fresh boards so you don't get trolled like if you use 2 wicked ladies.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I'm still testing sub configs but I feel like Satan will end up being pretty stable for kog. You can take 1 hit from tiamat so your number of stalls turns is goal-11.

The hardest part is having enough orbs for cdd and Zeus on one turn attacks.

The tri-fruit Satan setup is nice because it produces fresh boards so you don't get trolled like if you use 2 wicked ladies.
Honestly, I'm thinking Satan, Perseph, DJ, Vamp, Ronia for my team. Should give enough orb-play to kill. I need start crushing tri-fruit for R/G Sonia skillups.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Honestly, I'm thinking Satan, Perseph, DJ, Vamp, Ronia for my team. Should give enough orb-play to kill. I need start crushing tri-fruit for R/G Sonia skillups.
Overkill, plus you'll need an additional damage boost to down Zeus. I'd drop dj for king baddie.

I've been running the options and it looks like Satan, cdd, baddie, vamp, wicked lady, satan would be my most reliable team.

Two rows of dark kills cdd, two rows with baddie kills Zeus, damage is low enough not to wipe overs + 2 enemies with a single dark match, has enough blue damage to clear single devils with a blue match and two off color matches. Only requires 5 stall turns on floors 1-7.

Vamp on a 5 turn cd allows me to use it on early floors and have it up later.

Will test it out some and see if I can get a high success rate.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm going to bed now, but I want to try some twinlits tomorrow. any chance some of you have beefcake Zeuses(Zeusii?) I could use? need a decently beefy one to hit threshold.

362343236. is friend code if you can help as brother out.


I'm going to bed now, but I want to try some twinlits tomorrow. any chance some of you have beefcake Zeuses(Zeusii?) I could use? need a decently beefy one to hit threshold.

362343236. is friend code if you can help as brother out.
My Zeus is so far just a baby =/


<WoW Guild Officer>
You talking plusses or just "almost maxed"? Mine's 70, but is shit. Think I'm gonna try again with double kirin for a light so I can make a R/L horus. Man I just fucking suck at this dungeon.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You talking plusses or just "almost maxed"? Mine's 70, but is shit. Think I'm gonna try again with double kirin for a light so I can make a R/L horus. Man I just fucking suck at this dungeon.
Bane of my fucking existence. No matter what I can't get the first floor combo down. Going to switch it to Zeus, lilith, Enchida, valk, verche.

If i fail this afternoon, I'm just going to start brute forcing it with stones. Fuck this dungeon for real.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Bane of my fucking existence. No matter what I can't get the first floor combo down. Going to switch it to Zeus, lilith, Enchida, valk, verche.

If i fail this afternoon, I'm just going to start brute forcing it with stones. Fuck this dungeon for real.
Yeeeep. Makes me wonder about tri-fruit too

Anyone have a rundown of the changes coming in a few days?


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
It is funny how just simply evo'ing the Horus has completely screwed me for this dungeon when I could once 0 stone it pretty reliably. The first round is such a delicate balance of damage. I tried to use Lilith instead of my level 90 Neptune, and a lower level Hades instead of level 90 D/D, but still can't get the damage right. My Zeus is low level and I don't have any on my friends list so not sure that is even a possibility to try.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Yeeeep. Makes me wonder about tri-fruit too
Trifruit seems a little more straight forward.
Turn 1: are there 3 dark orbs near each other? Fuck you, you lose.
Turns 2-3: 460k damage in two turns or you lose.

Floor 2: Bring a hera-ur, or +2 skill awakenings so your vamp/dj are up. Clear sailing unless you do something dumb (like I did)

Dungeon boils down to not getting orb trolled on turns 1-3.


<WoW Guild Officer>
It is funny how just simply evo'ing the Horus has completely screwed me for this dungeon when I could once 0 stone it pretty reliably. The first round is such a delicate balance of damage. I tried to use Lilith instead of my level 90 Neptune, and a lower level Hades instead of level 90 D/D, but still can't get the damage right. My Zeus is low level and I don't have any on my friends list so not sure that is even a possibility to try.
What were you doing for damage control to finish round 1?


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Same thing as far as I can tell. My team was always Horus / Neptune / Hades / Valk / Orochi / Horus, a 4 combo was perfect (would sometimes leave 2 myth but I could fight through that) and a five combo would consistently leave just 1. But now with the L subtype on mine and L or R on friend that 16x damage from the combo seems to be pushing it over the edge. I'm not good at the maths on this game to figure out the reasoning
Just know that after four tries now and only getting a 4 combo three of those times everything explodes.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Damn, missing an orochi for delay I guess, otherwise I can probably pump out that team.


So I am at that phase where I am gradually leveling my team and earning more team power so I can slot in new guys. Rank 20 or so. What dungeons should I be running to maximize my stamina as I level?

ps. decided to stick with Astaroth. How do I (eventually) level her skill level?


<WoW Guild Officer>
So I am at that phase where I am gradually leveling my team and earning more team power so I can slot in new guys. Rank 20 or so. What dungeons should I be running to maximize my stamina as I level?

ps. decided to stick with Astaroth. How do I (eventually) level her skill level?
Her skill is shit to level, it'll be a while. Just keep grinding out ranks on anything (especially 1/2 stam, double coin, or 1.5% drop). You should look at "tower of giants -- dragons of the tower" on weekends, as it's 1/2 stamina and is "free" until rank 93 (you will regen stamina and/or level before you run out of stamina).

Save your stones to roll on "good" godfests (check on this thread).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
So I am at that phase where I am gradually leveling my team and earning more team power so I can slot in new guys. Rank 20 or so. What dungeons should I be running to maximize my stamina as I level?

ps. decided to stick with Astaroth. How do I (eventually) level her skill level?
No skill up for her US yet. JP has one in a Collab we'll probably never get(Shinra Bansho).

General advice is get high enough to run the 3rd stage of Tower of Giants, and grind that on the weekend when it's half stam to get up to rank 90ish.
================================================== =====================================

So I tried Twinlits with a good Kirin/Bastet team. Could work if I didn't suck so much. Killed last Mythlit with my Shiva bound for a week, so had to kludge floor 2(delay + bastet), meaning I had to kludge floor 3(gravities). Was recovering but struggling to get Hera-Is timer up as well as all 4 colors available. Ended up skyfalling Tam with Kera bound and 8 turns from gravity. Inevitable happened. Blues/Greens got poisoned right when Hera was unbound.

Then I tried with the generic Zeus harem team. Swept 1st floor because of light orb skyfall. Fun.

I really am GD awful at this dungeon.