Puzzles and Dragons


Blackwing Lair Raider
I think you can get away with using kaede without multipes and still have success with like 99% of the content. My gf has been using her sumire with my YouYu and weve been clearing everything that has popped up since Sumires upgrade including all the rogue dungeons. All her subs are heartbreakers so we havent tried sumire/sumire but I almost like sumire/yy better because its easier to manage your damage but the shield helps since yy sucks at healing. You dont want heartbreakers for Miru. Ive seen people posting a1 clears with the moogle in the group. P much anything that makes light orbs and/or hearts and doesnt take either away.


Vyemm Raider
Yeah I have just about uvoed my Myr... I got pretty lucky today in that I ran Hel 1 time and got the white ripper dragon drop first time. Then I get to uvo/skill light subs for her.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Man, I didn't even try for her when she dropped... I'm happy the meta is moving away from MP and to a dropped mob, but god damn does her skill ups and everything else seem insane.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
I got her from her descend and just kinda stopped fooling with her after that. I've pretty much got a team finished for her, just gotta boot out Xiu Min into the "300k MP Wasted" pile. Depending on your subs, MP totals, and luck, there is a blue version of her that will be in the summer REM. It's pretty much identical to the light version, only blue flavor so if you have a better box of blues she might be a better option if you have 500k MP laying around to buy her or get insanely lucky with an 8* gold roll.


Blackwing Lair Raider
I was thinking about buying Summyr on my main but not having one on my alt to coop with would suck. Really wishing I wouldnt have blown all my stones last godfest now that were in a green gala and Lui Bei is gonna be featured say 2 of the next one. fuck

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Im even starting to rethink my original plan to build an Orchid team at this point. I had intended to buy two on Monday and team her up with my Gadius, NY Mitsuki and Uriel and going to smash face but looking at my box, Ive got some decent blue subs that would make a great team with Blueberry Myr. The meta seems to already be shifting away from the Nobles. Im sure an Orchid team would be great and useful for a while but Ive only got the MP to pursue one of the two setups. Im gonna roll half a dozen times tomorrow and six more times on Monday and see what I pull, maybe Ill get Myr from the collab REM (Im holding my breath!)


Blackwing Lair Raider
I feel like Xmei is so reliable at literally everything if you got the subs which you do you gotta get her. 3 Xmei vs 2xmei and 1 Xmin isnt even all that bad. Ive read having 3Xmei is overkill in most scenarios and you dont have to sweat trying to skillup a miru since you have xmin if you wanna use a light team for something.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Only had 4 rolls on the alt and rolled a dupe susano, thanatos, fire swordsman, and zuoh. No lui bei :( I think with that thanatos Ill be able to make a miru farm group with inheriting a raphael to someone on my YY team and the thanatos to someone on my alt. I cant fucking beat it with luci or panda


Vyemm Raider
I am farming it with a friend playing Yomi dra/esc/ahaku/dd panda/dizzy then his team is yomi dra/c haku/a haku/dd panda akechi no skill inherits. Also keep in mind you can farm the 'easier' of the 2. You always get the myr drop... or at least I have with 30+ clears

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Wood Gala trolled me hard in the few rolls I did. Griffin Rider, Sylph, even a troll gold Kano but I did get a dupe Liu Bei and Kaede. Was hoping for a Gremory or Typhon or something, I dont really do green stuff. Junk to tuck away and use for the future I guess, Kaede and Liu Bei I mean. Griffin Rider, Sylph and Kano are headed to the woodchipper.... Having serious roll regret now not saving my stones till the Summer Event tomorrow :p

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
I did 6 rolls, got 2 Goemon, 2 Lakshmi, a Fuu and Kurone. I might convince myself to roll a little more this weekend but chances are Ill just save stones/money for the next godfest and have another shot at Gremory.

Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
Yeah, I had it on for a little bit before bed and it was pretty bad. I imagine NA gets stuff simply because JP gets stuff and the whining would be deafening if one region got shit the other didnt. But, whatever, another +297 tama, Shynpy, Badpy and Bubpy will be appreciated.


I've been thinking about putting together a more current dark team since I've gathered up quite a few dudes. Any suggestions? At the very least I want to burn off some Badpys and I don't want them to get wasted.


Avatar of Nyx

Molten Core Raider
I see a Luci or three in there. You've got quite a few quality subs for a Luci setup. Akechi, Haku, Loki, Persephone, Castor, Hanzo. I think Bruuce runs DA Luci and could offer some better input than me here, I never pulled the bastard after selling one for MP ages ago before his Awoken form was put in. Dont think he's forgiven me yet.