qwerty's rehabilitation thread

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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Correct. I am an Admlnlstrator.
  • 3Worf
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Yes. Do you read any other threads on this forum?
I read a few, why? What did you think of that thread I linked? Why do you think I am in here and none of those other people?

@a_skeleton_03 You make it sound like you have some fucking clue about what you are doing... Just read that one Pantheon thread. It is FULL of "trolling" and I was busy trying to talk about stuff with one the one or two other people who actually cared to talk, when the other 90 cunts wanted to just troll constantly. And conveniently you ignored ALL of that, month after month. It was only when I fight back that you show up and ban. That is why you are a clueless biased cunt.
The trolls in that thread also killed off the one or two other decent posters at that time too. Tad and Laura were the only ones making real posts before I showed up, and Laura got trolled to death and Tad left and only does PMs now. You like to pretend that I am just delusional when I say everyone here is an asshole, but the fact is, everyone here really is an asshole. You just can't see it because you are one too and you want to be part of this shitty group of people.
  • 1Salty
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
Yes I read the thread. You had a suggestion about an EQ emu, people didnt liked the idea/rules of it.
Both sides called each other faggot.

I think that is the gist of it. No reason to get upset over it.
  • 1Solidarity
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Krugman's Fax Machine
<Gold Donor>
Sounds like someone needs to register the domain Fires of Qwerty and get some forum software licensed.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Look at this thread, "Administrator".

Poll - Would you play this?

This if the forum you "administer", you claim to be against trolling yet that is all you all do in that thread. It is a thread full of people desperate to troll. Yet I am the one banned. If you still read that and can't understand why I think you are all pathetic cunts, you are hopeless.

Off the first page alone, I can definitely see that hivehind of trolling you are referring to. I didn't need to go past the first page. Nice real life threats and graphic bodily harm.

But as mentioned in other discussions about this state of the forums, its status quo and isn't likely to change. People rose-color it and say "well people were acting so hardcore shitlord in 2005-2008, we are trying to relive those days". Yeah, I don't think so. I was there, it wasn't as super-focused, super-intolerant and distilled as it is in 2017. You have an overpopulation of shitlords.

My problem is when you give the shit back to the shitlords, it tends not to go your way with the moderation, as you have recently found out. You get abused, and then you can't abuse anyone back. Its a very tightly controlled system of victimization. They want victims and they are going to get them. Period. It has nothing to do necessarily with the content of your posts as evidenced in that thread so pharmakos pharmakos is a little off there I think. And ultimately everyone is expected to act in accordance with the forums so-called shitlord roots, even Lendarios Lendarios

Its some pretty sick stuff, but if you aren't happy with it, its best to just find another forum. Nothing is going to change here. Many people have spoken up about this over the past several months. Most recently Alkorin Alkorin came forward in another thread. Is there a silent majority? Maybe. I can isolate the shitlords to maybe 20-25 people tops, we do 1300 uniques a day right? Its interesting, that is all I'm saying.
You should read the other pages. And that isn't the only thread. Also it may only be 20-25 people but they are 99% of the few threads I visit. And they are old timers and part of a_skeleton_03s circle jerk of cunts so they get a free pass on everything and I get the opposite because he is biased. I am not a victim though, I give more than I ever get and that's why I'm in here, and I'm fine with that. Like I said I can read the few threads I visit whether I'm banned or not. Calling out all the shitty people behind this forum is just something I will do until perma banned.
  • 1Salty
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Chancellor Alkorin

Part-Time Sith
<Granularity Engineer>
Its some pretty sick stuff, but if you aren't happy with it, its best to just find another forum. Nothing is going to change here. Many people have spoken up about this over the past several months. Most recently Alkorin Alkorin came forward in another thread. Is there a silent majority? Maybe. I can isolate the shitlords to maybe 20-25 people tops, we do 1300 uniques a day right? Its interesting, that is all I'm saying.

I don't expect Q qwertyqweqwertwqert to acknowledge anything I'm saying, mostly because he brings this abuse upon himself, but here's the deal: You need to be aware of who you're engaging here. If you can't handle the waters you're stepping into, and you cannonball right on in, that's your own damn fault and you're going to suffer for it. I don't like that, but I'm one person here and that's how this place works. i.e. Don't want to research your argument and defend it? Stay out of Politics, especially if you're posting an unpopular opinion.

Don't want honest discussion? Don't post a poll and then answer every question with "no u" and "I'm right, you're wrong". And that, qwerty, is what your poll was. Go read it, and look at your conduct, then look at how you answered me when I called you out for having a shit attitude.

You can't feed the beast and then complain that it bit you.
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You should read the other pages. And that isn't the only thread. Also it may only be 20-25 people but they are 99% of the few threads I visit. And they are old timers and part of a_skeleton_03s circle jerk of cunts so they get a free pass on everything and I get the opposite because he is biased. I am not a victim though, I give more than I ever get and that's why I'm in here, and I'm fine with that. Like I said I can read the few threads I visit whether I'm banned or not. Calling out all the shitty people behind this forum is just something I will do until perma banned.
I am still completely shocked that you are calling it my circle jerk in any way.

You are completely unaware of what is going on here in every way.
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<Bronze Donator>
Speaking as someone who has been the target of the hive mind more than once before -- it is not a singular, hopeless fate. If you turn into a weak, blathering fool, saliva flying from your mouth as you furiously tell the hive mind why they need to all thing like you, then you're gonna get shared. Be strong, stand up for your point without resorting to second grade insults and comebacks.

I am very much not the status quo of this forum, neither is a_skeleton_03, and the fact that you think we are makes it seriously obvious that you don't understand this forum at all.
  • 1Solidarity
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I'm very suspicious that you are conflating my perspective with qwerty somehow, perhaps in a haste of confusion, given that qwerty didn't use status quo to describe anything in this thread as far as I know.

But you didn't quote or tag me, so I'm not going to address the last sentence there, and I will assume you were directing that at qwerty.


I'm very suspicious that you are conflating my perspective with qwerty somehow, perhaps in a haste of confusion, given that qwerty didn't use status quo to describe anything in this thread as far as I know.

But you didn't quote or tag me, so I'm not going to address the last sentence there, and I will assume you were directing that at qwerty.
We are all talking directly to qwerty.

You have some serious misconceptions on this forum also but that is not the discussion right now. I don't think you were on rerolled really though were you? That might be where your confusion lies.
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