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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Rewatched 2012. Pretty funny when you view it as a dark comedy instead of just pure disaster porn.

Also directed by Roland Emmerich

Funny, as last night I watched The dark Knight and wondered what Aaron Eckhart and had been in since. Then he shows up in Midway


Blackwing Lair Raider
DnD honor among thieves.
7/10, got me entertained the whole time.
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Sanrith Descartes

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Recently rewatched all the Daniel Craig Bond films. Casino Royale is easily the best, but the others are solid. Seeing them relatively close together, the fact that they had a subplot that ran through all of the movies stands out. It's like they had writers who let a story actually develop over 5 films.

Also they feature the best Felix of all the films.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Felt like watching Back to the Future.

Ironically, surprised at how quickly time went by. It's a very well crafted movie that flows perfectly and doesn't miss a beat

Will watch the second tomorrow
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Stock Pals Participant
<Gold Donor>
Family really wanted to see Inside Out 2, Riley is definitely gay and basically the only white character in the movie. The plot is the same theme as last time but done worse.

Bad inside out is still a pretty decent movie though so whatever, the gay shit is too subtle for kids to notice probably as it is framed as "cool hockey hero"


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Didn't enjoy part 2 anywhere near as much. Not sure if I'll bother with 3


Silver Baronet of the Realm
3 sucks, 2 is fun, 1 is great.

I watched the new D&d Honor among thieves and I just enjoy the movie, the CGI doesn't bother me and there is some practical effects. I'm not a D&D nerd but I feel like you didn't need to be while being true to the material.

I didn't know the guy from Freaks and Geeks/Waiting/Bones was one of the writers/directors

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Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Watched Big Lebowski last night. Movie still delivers the 1,000th time. May go on a Cohen Bros kick now. Been a long time since watching Fargo and Miller’s Crossing.
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<Gold Donor>
Watched Stir Crazy (1980) last night with the wife. She'd never seen it. It's still very funny and probably the best Wilder / Pryor movie of the 4. 8/10
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<Bronze Donator>
Watched Battle Beyond the Stars (1980) because a memory got triggered of going to those summer time kids matinees and seeing it. Still holds up well and has an some outrageous over the top characters. Sybil Danning as a star fighter who wears stripper clothes, etc.

Who else remembers those summer time kids double features they put on back in the day?
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Watched Stir Crazy (1980) last night with the wife. She'd never seen it. It's still very funny and probably the best Wilder / Pryor movie of the 4. 8/10
Coen brothers are typically solid but they have a few misses. I didn't care for Hail Caesar but maybe I wasn't in the mood


<Gold Donor>
Coen brothers are typically solid but they have a few misses. I didn't care for Hail Caesar but maybe I wasn't in the mood
Are we talking about the same movie? I am talking about a Gene Wilder/Richard Pryor movie from 1980, the same year the greatest movie ever made (Empire Strikes Back) was released. I was unaware they were even in the movie business that early.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
Are we talking about the same movie? I am talking about a Gene Wilder/Richard Pryor movie from 1980, the same year the greatest movie ever made (Empire Strikes Back) was released. I was unaware they were even in the movie business that early.
No you're right, I meant to quote "Intrinsic" above you 8/
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<Gold Donor>
I vaguely recall the events depicted but last night me & the wife watched DumbMoney about the gamestop stock. It was really entertaining. I would not go so far as to call it funny but I wasn't looking at my phone/wall/whatever. Solid 6/10
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Jolt 0/10. Finally decided to watch this movie after Amazon suggesting it to me for the past 3-4 years. Figured how bad could Kate Beckinsale with blonde hair and smokey eyes be? It was awful. Its pure modern globohomo slop. Movie is a mashup of Falling Down, John Wick, Crank etc. where Kate is your stereotypical giga badass easily beating the shit out of multiple guys twice the size of her effortlessly. Some very clear painful woke elements like a scene of a dude egregiously "manspreading" on a train resulting in him being violently assaulted. Slack jawed drooling white guys who get put in their place by stereotypical literal bluehair fat woman. Soyboy apprehensive love interest no woman would ever be attracted to. Only nudity is a nice solid shot of Jai Courtney's ass(or a body double?). I turned it off with 40 minutes left.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I watched Gladiator, only because I downloaded Jurassic Park in 4k and dts-x but it was taking longer to unzip than it did to download and it was already late. So wanted to watch another dts-x movie

Was surprised at how quick the almost three hours went especially as I've seen it multiple times before. Remembered a lot of scenes but also didn't remember many
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Sanrith Descartes

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Watched Ultimate Cut of Watchmen. If you haven't seen it, it takes the directors cut and splices in the "Tales of the Black Freighter" comic into the scenes with the kid reading it. Gerard Butler does the voice of the Capt.

Clocks in at about 3.30 hours of run time. Bitch is loooong. Early on, it seems to not belong in the movie. As it goes on and you see Adrian's plan unfolding and you get the connection that the Capt's path is Adrian's path it fits better.

If you like Watchmen, and haven't seen it spliced in, it's worth a watch. Not sure it's worth the extra runtime for a rewatch though. 8.5/10
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