Reading Rainbow Kickstarter


Molten Core Raider
This has been brought up in several threads already.
LeVar Burton bringing back Reading Rainbow. A noble effort. Or is it? WP saying maybe not so much. This Reading Rainbow would be a for-profit company, and would not be bringing back the TV show, but expanding his current Reading Rainbow apps.

It will not, let's be clear, replicate the classic show that aired from 1983 to 2009. (Burton boughtthe rights to that show and its nameand used them to spin off another company, RRKidz, which produces a Reading Rainbow tablet app.) The Kickstarter would essentially expand on that app, making it available on the Web and updating it with special tools for teachers - not for free, as the classic show was on PBS, but at a monthly subscription cost.
You might want to reconsider that donation to the Reading Rainbow Kickstarter

While I'd like to see Burton's response to this, especially on how the money is planned on being spent, if this is really about getting kids to learn to read, and not just cashing out, I'm all for it. But the subscription part is pretty friggin weak.

Bring Reading Rainbow Back for Every Child, Everywhere. by LeVar Burton Kickstarter


FPS noob
if you can't trust the chief engineer of the USS Enterprise, who can you trust? i trust my man geordie with my warp core, my sex android, and my money



Silver Baronet of the Realm
If you actually read the KS page, you'd know why it's not free for the overwhelming majority of schools.


Musty Nester
They're talking about providing it subsidized to schools.

I haven't seen a whole lot of explanation for the business side of it. But until there is actually some indication of malfeasance (beyond an understandable cynicism), I think it's fair to give Mr. Burton enough rope.

"not the best way to structure this service" is not actually malfeasance. If a donor gave him 10 bucks and expects him to solve world hunger, I'm just afraid that's on the donor. A -lot- of how this eventually looks is going to have more to do with what sorts of political connections his company has and the quality of those connections, not a lot of how this eventually looks is going to have much to do with Mr. Burtons intentions.

I really do think he's just the celebrity face of the thing. And part of it, no doubt. But men in suits are gonna make this happen. Levar might just be doing good to choose the books and write the scripts. And that's important. But.


Musty Nester
Like it or not bankers get a say too. They always get a say. No one should expect that this is a charity. Maybe a lot of people do.

But it not being a charity does notprecludeit from being a positive construct.

We'll see. If he takes the money and runs maybe we'll have to start calling him The Honorable Reverend Kunta LaForge.

(I don't think that he will do that. Like really really really really don't think that it's even in his mind.)


Buzzfeed Editor
It seems like he wants to provide it to as many classrooms as possible for free. Charging money is no big deal, there is a similar site called ABC Mouse and they charge. And it is totally worth it for what they charge, and I imagine that Reading Rainbow could be much better than that site. Not really seeing the controversy yet.


Molten Core Raider
The app right now is free to download and has 1 free book and some videos. 9.99/month is the current cost, or 29.99 for 6 months, which gives unlimited access to hundreds of books and videos. With the KS money, RR wants to expand the platforms it supports to include Android, consoles, and set-top boxes like Roku and AppleTV, as well as create new "field trip" videos, and make it free for 7500 schools across the country.

LeVar Burton Wants 'Reading Rainbow' on Game Consoles

I think Levar is definitely doing this for the kids. He's been doing it for 30 years.


> Than U
If you look at the tech Kickstarters ahead of him at least he didn't claim he would give them the world for $50 and never deliver. The comments on those pebbles and that game console thing especially were awful.
Shit costs money. Web costs money, "field trip" filming costs money, apps cost money, even flushing the commode costs money.

If he had a billion dollars gave to him, probably free for everyone. As it is , shit costs money, both in and out.


Millie's Staff Member
2 questions. if there is 30 years of episodes in the can, why are they asking for money to make more of them and why would anyone pay when they could just pop in a tape off the tv full of old episodes for the kids to watch for free?

why would any school pay for this when they are already paying their teachers to teach these kids reading and such? its like admitting that they failed and are just gonna let them watch tv instead of doing their jobs.


> Than U
If I had answers Astro I wouldn't be building houses.
However since I am a excellent armchair internet general allow me to answer.

The video libraries are only a part of the system it seems. If I understand correctly the App which they use and plan to expand has hundreds or thousands of books in it. They want to expand this in addition to the content already provided. Think of it as Rosetta Stone for people who can't read. After hours learning enhancement.

The fact that 1 of 4 children in schools, or rather CERTAIN schools cannot read is said sign of failure.
I personally lay that on the deadbeat parents more than anything, but if bad/wrong/drugged EBT parenting cannot help the child, the child MUST be given a opportunity to help him or herself no matter how small the chance.

I didn't grow up with RR. I was before it's time as far as childhoods go, but I knew some kids even in my overall well funded town/community who struggled to read and write. I remember going to the library once to use the Apple II to play a game and seeing those same struggling kids ALONE there trying to learn to read. No one was helping them.

That is the only reason I am behind this. I think any and every possible way we can help the children expand is very important. I have seen the current 13-20 generation and I am not very impressed.


Millie's Staff Member
i was before this shows time too, so i really dont know how RR helped kids read and how schools are using this to teach kids to read instead of the teachers themselves. its pretty fucking pathetic that our school system is such a shitpile when we need a tv show to do what they can not.


Shit Posting Professional
<Gold Donor>
I grew up watching Reading Rainbow, Sesame Street, and Mr Rogers. I am all for anything that helps kids learn to read. My niece has epilepsy that makes her brain fire as a chaotic mess. It makes her struggle to learn things. Thankfully my sister in law is mom of the century and she works with them constantly. Anything that will make that easier for her I am 100% behind. That will help them in life more than anything other than being born rich.

i was before this shows time too, so i really dont know how RR helped kids read and how schools are using this to teach kids to read instead of the teachers themselves. its pretty fucking pathetic that our school system is such a shitpile when we need a tv show to do what they can not.
I don't think you understand how our schools work. There are many many school districts that do not allow teachers to go away from their curriculum. So if kids fall behind they and their parents don't help they are fucked.


> Than U
i was before this shows time too, so i really dont know how RR helped kids read and how schools are using this to teach kids to read instead of the teachers themselves. its pretty fucking pathetic that our school system is such a shitpile when we need a tv show to do what they can not.
It was almost a shit pile back in the 70's and 80's. One of my HS friends became a teacher and coach in a school for the past 20 years and the shit he has to put up as a teacher is insane. They run schools now like they do Washington. 100 people making suggestions going no place and a lot of bullshit red tape and policies, backstabbing among teachers for raises and positions and what not.

I'm not saying all the teachers are bad but the government oversight and system is fucking horrible. It is almost as if the government WANTS our children to fail. The things he has told me is some scary shit.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I've seen kids denied inter-district transfer requests to top notch programs/schools because the district didn't want to lose the funding associated with that student. I've seen districts playing hot-potato with kids with disabilities because no school wants them - they require extra resources and bring down test scores. I've had an interesting fly-on-the-wall view of my local school districts the last year, and the amount of bureaucracy and politicking that goes on between the Union, the Superintendents, and the teachers themselves (because don't confuse them with the Union who sometimes works AGAINST the interests of the teachers - much like Republicans on food stamps and disability keep voting for Republicans) is both depressing and insane. The sad truth is that "what's best for the kids" is usually the LAST thing anyone thinks about. Each kid has a dollar amount attached to them from the State, and that's where their value, and interest in them, begins and ends. Individual teachers buck this trend the best, but there are absolutely horrible teachers out there, too.


Buzzfeed Editor
i was before this shows time too, so i really dont know how RR helped kids read and how schools are using this to teach kids to read instead of the teachers themselves. its pretty fucking pathetic that our school system is such a shitpile when we need a tv show to do what they can not.
Yeah just take 5 seconds of your time and read about what they actually want to do rather than talk a bunch of stupid shit. Seriously, 5 seconds. It would take less time for you to read the fucking kickstarter page and understand their goal than making your two posts in this thread did.