Recommend a dating site


Got something right about marriage
I wouldn't call it game playing it is more just building up a bit of excitement. I know whenever I sent a cold line to a girl I really wanted a reply back and didn't get a reply back in an hour or two (even worse if she read it and didn't respond) I was bummed but then it was really cool and almost a rush to get a reply back the next day. I was happier to get that reply than I otherwise would have been if she responded right away.
What you've just described is a game. I'm not saying it doesn't work, or that there aren't reasons to do it. But it is a game. I do this kind of thing too, but mostly because I'll read a message and not be sure if I even want to respond so I let it simmer for a while. Then I get horny and message back anyway. Probably.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
My strategy has been to message whoever I find interesting then put it out of mind completely. There is absolutely no reason to invest anything into it. If they appear (key word in the online game is "appear" to be) to be really interesting, I'll follow up a few days later. Then call it quits if no response by then.


<Silver Donator>
Kissing someone on the cheek on first contact is fucking weird in my book. What is this? Housewives of LA? It strikes me as being overly anxious to score a point but maybe I don't know shit because I am out of the game. I'd much rather slow play it and then go for the kill once rapport and attraction is established.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Kissing someone on the cheek on first contact is fucking weird in my book. What is this? Housewives of LA? It strikes me as being overly anxious to score a point but maybe I don't know shit because I am out of the game. I'd much rather slow play it and then go for the kill once rapport and attraction is established.
Maybe it's because I'm originally from Quebec, but a kiss on a cheek was almost a standard greeting to someone of the opposite sex that you already knew, and a standard farewell to someone you just met. I realized when I moved to Texas that it wasn't standard protocol down here, but for a date? Been on countless dates and have given countless cheek kisses and have never gotten a bad reaction. Go for it bros.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
In Texas, upgrade that cheek kiss to a hug. Some people aren't huggers, but enough are that it doesn't come off as especially weird.


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
Fucking moms at my kids elementary school give me hugs to say hello. I'm like wtf bitch get off me.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Hugs are weird. Hugs are for the sisters and grieving people at wakes/funerals. Outside of those situations I find them creepy.


Still a Music Elitist
Hugs are weird. Hugs are for the sisters and grieving people at wakes/funerals. Outside of those situations I find them creepy.
That's fucked. You have to be pretty close to a bro to hug here in the west coast, but back in the midwest everybody hugs. It's a customary greeting and goodbye. Ain't nothin' creepy 'bout it.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
That's fucked. You have to be pretty close to a bro to hug here in the west coast, but back in the midwest everybody hugs. It's a customary greeting and goodbye. Ain't nothin' creepy 'bout it.
Cultural differences. For example in French countries it's customary to give TWO cheek kisses (one is the norm in Quebec), but hugs are considered weird. I think it's similar in Germany and some other European countries as well. Biden hugging the president of France made front page news there for example.. Hugs is an American thing I believe.

In any case, the cheek kissing has worked out well for me down here in good 'ol Texas. Maybe they forgive me after they hear me pronounce about, couch, or house.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Something like that I'm told lol. I don't even perceive it. Makes the girls giggle so it's all good. If I really want to confuse them I throw in the word garburator at some point. Once I went out on a date with some chick that was so utterly clueless about Canada (she asked if we had "steak back home") that when she asked me what Canadians did for fun, I told her we all look forward to the January baby seal culling festival, where thousands of baby seals descend from the hills on their quest for food, clogging city streets and causing untold mayhem. It's every Canadian's civic duty to club your fair share of baby seals and pile their bodies on the street corner for the snow-ploughs to pickup. She didn't even bat an eyelash to that story, and probably believes it to this day.


Mr. Poopybutthole
<Gold Donor>
So I just cheked POF in the Austin area and holy shit. I didn't think I'd have any use for it... and I was right.

POF seems to be used for in the Austin area. Which is fine, if the vast majority weren't late 20's, want kids, and only ever had a relationship that lasted <1 year. Instant Family in a Bottle flags to me. I'll be steering clear of that one.


Musty Nester
Something like that I'm told lol. I don't even perceive it. Makes the girls giggle so it's all good. If I really want to confuse them I throw in the word garburator at some point. Once I went out on a date with some chick that was so utterly clueless about Canada (she asked if we had "steak back home") that when she asked me what Canadians did for fun, I told her we all look forward to the January baby seal culling festival, where thousands of baby seals descend from the hills on their quest for food, clogging city streets and causing untold mayhem. It's every Canadian's civic duty to club your fair share of baby seals and pile their bodies on the street corner for the snow-ploughs to pickup. She didn't even bat an eyelash to that story, and probably believes it to this day.
And nanook went trudging across the tundra. Trudgin. All the way to Saint Alphonzo's Pancake Breakfast. Where I stole the margarine!


scientia potentia est
<Bronze Donator>
So I just cheked POF in the Austin area and holy shit. I didn't think I'd have any use for it... and I was right.

POF seems to be used for in the Austin area. Which is fine, if the vast majority weren't late 20's, want kids, and only ever had a relationship that lasted <1 year. Instant Family in a Bottle flags to me. I'll be steering clear of that one.
Those people must have a pretty warped view of relationships (or be extraordinarily difficult to deal with) to get to that age and never had one go greater than 1 year.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
So, hypothetically speaking if you matched with a 10 on Tinder, then went out on a first date that went amazing, and at the end of the date she said she's a major porn star looking to date a "normal" guy, what would you do?


<Silver Donator>
Second date went well tonight. I like the chick. She's got a huge rack. Meanwhile, earlier today, the first chick that couldn't make up her damn mind, contacted me and said she's decided she wants to date me. So now I've got another date with the new chick on Friday and a date with the first chick on Saturday. I've only dated one woman at a time until now. Is this what being a playa is like?