Recommend a dating site

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
Based on the two chicks he's dated they're college girls looking to pay tuition but yeah I'm sure there are pros on the site.
Well, I've always said that dating that involves the man paying is basically prostitution, except that instead of hard cash the currency is a lobster dinner and a bottle of wine. I just wonder what % of guys on that site have the expectation of action since they paid for the date, and what % of the girls feel that "performing" is part of the deal.


Whoever recommended PoF you need to be shot in the face.....two times. If you like fugy, overweight, or having fetus' hanging down to their knees, then PoF is the way to go. As for me I stick to Match and it has gotten me all kinds of decent dates / lays. None of the girls I would call keepers but entertaining to say the least. The things I have learned from doing this for a while:

1) Never, NEVER do the "first date dinner". Its expensive as shit and there will be times when you want to get the hell out of there after only 5 minutes. I always stick to coffee or drinks. That way it can be 5 minutes or two hours depending on how well it is going. Plus if it is going well, it allows you to suggest going somewhere else, like another bar, or grab a quick bite to eat and from my experience it speeds up the time it takes for the woman to be comfortable with you.

2) never NEVER complement the woman on her looks. When you send that first message say that the following things "caught your eye" (activities, height, smoke/dont smoke, kids/no kids, religion/not a bible thumper, etc) Then finish up with something like "feel free to check out my profile and if you like what you read...bla bla bla". The girls online who are actually worth being seen in public are getting BOMBARDED with messages every day. Make your first message short and to the point but still have enough in it to show that you actually read her profile(skimmed).

3) If the girl doesn't respond do NOT email her again. Say fuck it, move on, and try to find someone else. The second you email her again with something like, "Just seeing if you got my message, or whatever" your fucked. When I do a search I put in my "stats" that I like and then something like 100 pages comes up(always use gallery view). Any girl that I think might be attractive I right click and open the profile up in another tab. I then "X" out that profile so that it won't show up in my searches anymore. After I have like 30 or 40 tabs open I will go and start looking at them to see which ones I might want to go out with. This is another reason why I like Match so much is because, at least in my area, there is a shitload of people on it.

4) When doing a search always sort by last logged in instead of the B.S. "Match's Picks". I swear that computer algorithm is fucking retarded. If you do it their way you will be messaging people that haven't been online in weeks and not see it until its too late. I go on one a week and do a search and just stop whenever I get to the profiles that haven't been on "In over a week". By doing this and "X" out all the profiles you have already looked at, it makes it pretty easy to find new people on it. I will also go ahead and "X" out the profiles that I am sick of seeing because Tweetle Dee is online every day when she should really be at the gym.

5) As for the dates and what to do, the first one for me is usually coffee during the day unless the girl wants drinks instead. The second is dinner and I take them to this malt shop that is by my house with a 50's style and great hamburgers. Very casual and relaxed. Never do the fine dining. At the 3rd is usually us going downtown to a trendy spot and bar hopping. After this date I am usually getting laid or close to it. Just set up a routine and after a while you will be comfortable with it and thus it makes you look more confident to her. Plus, it allows you to get to know the staff at those places and allows you to talk to them for a sec in front of her which gives you a break from talking to each other.

6) Lastly, for those of you who are not very comfortable with talking to woman that you do not know, just keep asking questions. That is how I started and now I can talk to anyone for hours. A silence is ok every once and a while if your drinking or eating but if it starts to get to long ask another question. If you are running out of "material" excuse yourself and go to the bathroom even if you don't have to piss. Regroup and think of what to do next. If you start to feel that the conversion is starting to wind down ALWAYS be the one to end it. Something like, "Well, I guess we should get going". If asked, you have something else you need to take care of even if your going home to jack off. Walk her to her car but keep your distance and do NOT try to hug or kiss her. Open her door and stand a decent distance away so she gets in. Wave, and your out.

I could go on and on about texting after the first date (be funny and make sure she is the last person to send a text) but thats enough for now.


Got something right about marriage
Whoever recommended PoF you need to be shot in the face.....two times. If you like fugy, overweight, or having fetus' hanging down to their knees, then PoF is the way to go. As for me I stick to Match and it has gotten me all kinds of decent dates / lays. None of the girls I would call keepers but entertaining to say the least. The things I have learned from doing this for a while:
So you struck out pretty hard on PoF huh?


So you struck out pretty hard on PoF huh?
Oh I had plenty of interest on the site but the quality of women on that site is atrocious. The good looking girls who get hit on everyday of their life have no issues to pay a little per month when it comes to a dating site. Sure PoF is free and worth checking out, but the old saying of, " You get what you pay for" is pretty apparent with the site.


I've never met anyone on a dating site (although I was supposed to meet this woman from adult friend finder) but I did seriously date a woman I met on a music forum. Meeting people online has its advantages like setting the physical stuff aside and really getting to know the person.
The good thing about okcupid is that the creators are math geeks, and that means they collect the data on, basically, ANYTHING. And they'll crunch them and analyze them for you too. You can read theirblogand actually learn a lot. A couple of interesting takeaways:

A girl that likes the taste of beer is more likely to put out.
Women are overly judgmental when it comes to looks.
What you should say (be self deprecating) and should not say (gurl u fien) in a first message.
How height effects online dating. (men add 2 inches . . . to their height, short women get more messages, etc)

If you want mathematical proof that female expectations in regards to dating are fucked up:


Translation: Men rate women's looks fairly, and send all their messages to the really hot, out-of-their-reach women. They're realistic about a woman's looks, but they like to reach for the stars anyways.


As you can see from the gray line, women rate an incredible 80% of guys as worse-looking than medium. Very harsh. On the other hand, when it comes to actual messaging, women shift their expectations only just slightly ahead of the curve, which is a healthier pattern than guys' pursuing the all-but-unattainable. But with the basic ratings so out-of-whack, the two curves together suggest some strange possibilities for the female thought process, the most salient of which is that theaverage-looking woman has convinced herself that the vast majority of males aren't good enough for her, but she then goes right out and messages them anyway.


Registered Hutt
That's awesome. I need to read their blog. I'm sure anthropologists have wanted data like this forever.

Oh man, this blog is win.


In the Bible, in between the part where Reuben kills a he-goat so he can dip some clothes in the blood of the he-goat and where Judah tries to give Tamar a goat but decides maybe she should be burned to death instead, God kills a man named Onan because Onan intentionally spills his seed on the ground.

(1) Thou shalt not whack off. (2) Mo goats mo problems.

Life lessons! From the Iron Age!


Musty Nester
The good thing about okcupid is that the creators are math geeks, and that means they collect the data on, basically, ANYTHING. And they'll crunch them and analyze them for you too. You can read theirblogand actually learn a lot. A couple of interesting takeaways:

A girl that likes the taste of beer is more likely to put out.
Women are overly judgmental when it comes to looks.
What you should say (be self deprecating) and should not say (gurl u fien) in a first message.
How height effects online dating. (men add 2 inches . . . to their height, short women get more messages, etc)

If you want mathematical proof that female expectations in regards to dating are fucked up:


Translation: Men rate women's looks fairly, and send all their messages to the really hot, out-of-their-reach women. They're realistic about a woman's looks, but they like to reach for the stars anyways.


Translation: [/u]
Mathematical proof that women are delusional bitches.

This post makes me so happy!


Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but why is dinner on the first date a bad idea?
Especially with online dating you will know within 5 minutes sometimes that it just isn't going to work, she is annoying as shit, lied on her profile etc., but you are then stuck "going through the motions" and before you know it you spent close to $100 with someone you could care less about. Coffee can be $5 and 5 minutes if needed or last 2 hours if you two are clicking.


There is a war going on over control of your mind
online dating seems like an enabling device for already socially inept and awkward people