Recommend a dating site


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk


I say bravo to girls who use dating sites for free meals. So many guys bait their hook with money it's their own fault


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I went to Barnes and Noble last night because it's connected to the mall and I was walking around since it was nice out and needed to clear my head. I cross the street (it's an outdoor mall) and some girl sets her sights on me like a lion on it's prey. I keep walking because she isn't my type and I head inside the bookstore. She comes in with her friend and comes straight up to me and hits on me. "That's cool" I think and she moves on after I kinda just seem amused and continue my browsing. I get interest a lot from younger girls (some not even legal) because I look extremely young for my age. She said I looked 22 but I'm 27 so it can get annoying when the young ones aren't a high 7 at least.

I go up the escalator to find a seat to read a Tucker Max book and she chases me down again and initiates conversation. I'm thinking, "maybe I'll get some good conversation at least tonight even if I'm not interested". So I talk and eventually she asks to go sit down with her and I abide. Now, not 10 minutes talking to this girl she's laying her head ON MY LAP with her tits in full view (20 year old tits are firmer than I remember). She tells me how her ex used to beat her nightly and even raped her after they broke up. I'm flabbergasted at this point. This redneck girl obviously has problems and is possibly even on drugs. She wont shut up. I hand her my phone to put her number in and I book it. I make sure she doesn't follow me to my car because she mentioned she lives in the same neighborhood as me and I don't want her knowing where I live.

My point here is that there are crazy women at even the most recommended places for finding people. Ask a woman where you can meet quality women and they will always say the grocery store or a book store.

Grats. How was the sex? Those younguns tend to be inexperienced, but they can make up for it with enthusiasm.


Musty Nester
I say bravo to girls who use dating sites for free meals. So many guys bait their hook with money it's their own fault
Are you kidding? If the situations were reversed I would be so far not above that that they would name the technique after me. Some girl would be complaining on a message board somewhere that she "got Iannis'd".


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I say bravo to girls who use dating sites for free meals. So many guys bait their hook with money it's their own fault
yeah I'm open to the idea of a woman whose blog consists of half fine food descriptions and half date stories. Unfortunately her blog was half rambling, half talking about how she dates guys only once. Shits just weak.


Grats. How was the sex? Those younguns tend to be inexperienced, but they can make up for it with enthusiasm.
I wouldn't know. I just got out of a relationship with quite possibly the CRAZIEST fucking bitch on planet Earth (and possibly other alien worlds). The amount of fucked up-ness the last one put me through (I could write a Lifetime TV movie about what I found out today) I don't think I even want to one night stand a crazy chick at this point. I promised myself and my friends I'm not putting my dick in crazy ever again. I could make a list of all the fucked up shit but I'm sure nobody here is interested in my last relationship woes.


Molten Core Raider
Yea I found myself a stage 5 clinger off of one of these recently. I figured that I could just hit it and quit it. No luck for me. I get about 10 texts a day that I never respond to. I expect her to be standing at my front door when I get off work some day.


To be fair I'm seriously upset that I will probably never find another girl willing to do what this one did in bed. It's really true what they say about crazy women in bed. It pisses me off immensely thinking about it.


yeah we definitely want to hear those stories.
I'd rather just make a list as the entire 4 year relationship would encompass more words than probably any book you've read or will read. I am no longer the same type of man as I was when I met her though. The abuse would never fly these days. Looking back I was REALLY fucking stupid to put up with any one of these red flags:

  • Physically abused me and left scars (Knew I wouldn't hit a woman). I had a black eye at work once. She bragged about hitting me to my co-workers and how she beat my ass. They all went to my boss and complained. She had a one-on-one with HR the following week. How she didn't get fired I have no clue. Pretty sure if I beat her I'd be out of there. Boss told me to take pictures of bruises/cuts for future use.

    Verbally abused me in front of co-workers (they all hate her and love me including my boss)

    Verbally abused her autistic kid to the point where social services has been called numerous times by the school and I had to be interviewed in my own home about how she was as a mother by cops. I lied (stupid looking back) and said she was a good mother. He said he wanted to kill himself numerous times at school. He's autistic. They don't generally say shit like that so imagine how shitty this kid feels.

    Sold marijuana and had an EPIC smoking problem. She smokes her entire profits away. She basically sold ounces of the shit a week so I know she was smoking massive amounts of $$$ away a day just because she never made a profit. Pretty sure this is where her bi-polar shit comes into play. She's smoked weed her entire life and is incredibly bi-polar even though she hasn't been diagnosed. It's obvious.

    Got arrested for selling weed and had a pound in her closet which was found. Some how she got out of jail time and went to court so work would not find out (everyone at work found her mugshot as we live in FL and people here LOVE to look up mugshots every day).

    Told me she should sleep with men to get money so I'd feel guilty. Told me men have asked.

    Asks me to help pay so she can get her car fixed. Owes me $950 that she uses against me. Threatens not to pay me back constantly. I threaten her back with her job and she comes around eventually. Never ending cycle these days for some reason.

    Gets $600/month for social security for her kid. Never uses it for him. Still always broke. I don't know where this money goes. I've seen her bank account before though. She really is broke usually.

Now this is all terrible but none of it truly crazy. That is until I found this shit out today. Now remember I was with this woman for 4 years and knew nothing of any of this (except the friend part which was an assumption I made and was never admitted to). Keep in mind she was a lesbian before I dated her. So in essence I turned her I guess but not truly as you will soon read.

My friends sat me down today at Hooters to tell me this:

  • Slept with my friend (was her friend at the time until she realized what a fucking bitch my ex-gf was and won't deal with her. Now a very good friend of mine. We were "broke up" for 2 weeks at this time. However everyone knows our breakups never lasted. Think the longest was one month. This will be changed now though. Permanent.

    Had internet dating profiles on pretty much every single one out there. Only put her pictures up so I never could google her name or email to find it. She always initiated contact with others.

    Traveled to hook up with a stripper (female) in another city she met online.

    Met another stripper (female) from a state over and almost traveled to meet her too.

    Met up with an ex-gf from a different state that visited. This girl was abusive also and they used to beat each other when they were together.

    Did cocaine.

    Possibly slept with a drug dealer from another state that she told her friend was cute. Possibly for money.

    Met up with various other women (4-5 not sure on # at this point honestly).

    Pretty sure before my lease was up at our apartment she was sleeping with one of the lesbians below us. Not positive but she was never home and told me she was smoking weed with a neighbor.

    Possibly sleeping with a guy I work with. Conning him into buying a house to rent to her since she lives at home with her shitty mother and her horrible boyfriend. Lives in the most ghetto area of the city. Her kid sleeps in the same bedroom. People have heard him complain about being broke at work. She basically sucked him dry in 4 months. How I lasted as long as I did I have no clue. Never admitted giving him sex though. He's pretty fucking beta so it wouldn't surprise me if she played him easily.

The worst part? I told everyone if there was one thing I could trust her to be it would be faithful. I said this to the very friend who slept with her. I do have to thank her though. I am nothing like I was when I met her. She changed me for the better after all this. I pull women left and right now because I have such a "I don't give a fuck" attitude these days. It's sad though. I used to be such a "good guy". Massive trust issues with women now.

I take that back. The worst part is that she has no feelings about any of the wrong doing. I cannot say anything to hurt her. She doesn't feel any of this is wrong. None of it. So I get no closure by hurting her, ever.

But hey... The sex was great.


Still a Music Elitist
Glad you put "did cocaine" in the second list. Heaven forbid I ever date someone who would do cocaine.


Trakanon Raider
I say bravo to girls who use dating sites for free meals. So many guys bait their hook with money it's their own fault
Seriously, dudes who pay for the first date off a dating website are pathetic and deserve to get played.


Glad you put "did cocaine" in the second list. Heaven forbid I ever date someone who would do cocaine.
I have a very low tolerance for harder drugs. Even the weed bothered me but I let it slide. My father did cocaine before and after I was born and was a loser. Left my mother with nothing and had to throw him out because dealers would call looking for him. I have my reasons and told her why from the beginning. She could have walked away there.


Trakanon Raider
Why in the fuck anyone would stay in a relationship with someone who was such a train wreck for 4 months, let alone 4 years, is beyond me.

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
I'd rather just make a list as the entire 4 year relationship would encompass more words than probably any book you've read or will read. I am no longer the same type of man as I was when I met her though. The abuse would never fly these days. Looking back I was REALLY fucking stupid to put up with any one of these red flags:

  • Physically abused me and left scars (Knew I wouldn't hit a woman). I had a black eye at work once. She bragged about hitting me to my co-workers and how she beat my ass. They all went to my boss and complained. She had a one-on-one with HR the following week. How she didn't get fired I have no clue. Pretty sure if I beat her I'd be out of there. Boss told me to take pictures of bruises/cuts for future use.

    Verbally abused me in front of co-workers (they all hate her and love me including my boss)

    Verbally abused her autistic kid to the point where social services has been called numerous times by the school and I had to be interviewed in my own home about how she was as a mother by cops. I lied (stupid looking back) and said she was a good mother. He said he wanted to kill himself numerous times at school. He's autistic. They don't generally say shit like that so imagine how shitty this kid feels.

    Sold marijuana and had an EPIC smoking problem. She smokes her entire profits away. She basically sold ounces of the shit a week so I know she was smoking massive amounts of $$$ away a day just because she never made a profit. Pretty sure this is where her bi-polar shit comes into play. She's smoked weed her entire life and is incredibly bi-polar even though she hasn't been diagnosed. It's obvious.

    Got arrested for selling weed and had a pound in her closet which was found. Some how she got out of jail time and went to court so work would not find out (everyone at work found her mugshot as we live in FL and people here LOVE to look up mugshots every day).

    Told me she should sleep with men to get money so I'd feel guilty. Told me men have asked.

    Asks me to help pay so she can get her car fixed. Owes me $950 that she uses against me. Threatens not to pay me back constantly. I threaten her back with her job and she comes around eventually. Never ending cycle these days for some reason.

    Gets $600/month for social security for her kid. Never uses it for him. Still always broke. I don't know where this money goes. I've seen her bank account before though. She really is broke usually.

Now this is all terrible but none of it truly crazy. That is until I found this shit out today. Now remember I was with this woman for 4 years and knew nothing of any of this (except the friend part which was an assumption I made and was never admitted to). Keep in mind she was a lesbian before I dated her. So in essence I turned her I guess but not truly as you will soon read.

My friends sat me down today at Hooters to tell me this:

  • Slept with my friend (was her friend at the time until she realized what a fucking bitch my ex-gf was and won't deal with her. Now a very good friend of mine. We were "broke up" for 2 weeks at this time. However everyone knows our breakups never lasted. Think the longest was one month. This will be changed now though. Permanent.

    Had internet dating profiles on pretty much every single one out there. Only put her pictures up so I never could google her name or email to find it. She always initiated contact with others.

    Traveled to hook up with a stripper (female) in another city she met online.

    Met another stripper (female) from a state over and almost traveled to meet her too.

    Met up with an ex-gf from a different state that visited. This girl was abusive also and they used to beat each other when they were together.

    Did cocaine.

    Possibly slept with a drug dealer from another state that she told her friend was cute. Possibly for money.

    Met up with various other women (4-5 not sure on # at this point honestly).

    Pretty sure before my lease was up at our apartment she was sleeping with one of the lesbians below us. Not positive but she was never home and told me she was smoking weed with a neighbor.

    Possibly sleeping with a guy I work with. Conning him into buying a house to rent to her since she lives at home with her shitty mother and her horrible boyfriend. Lives in the most ghetto area of the city. Her kid sleeps in the same bedroom. People have heard him complain about being broke at work. She basically sucked him dry in 4 months. How I lasted as long as I did I have no clue. Never admitted giving him sex though. He's pretty fucking beta so it wouldn't surprise me if she played him easily.

The worst part? I told everyone if there was one thing I could trust her to be it would be faithful. I said this to the very friend who slept with her. I do have to thank her though. I am nothing like I was when I met her. She changed me for the better after all this. I pull women left and right now because I have such a "I don't give a fuck" attitude these days. It's sad though. I used to be such a "good guy". Massive trust issues with women now.

I take that back. The worst part is that she has no feelings about any of the wrong doing. I cannot say anything to hurt her. She doesn't feel any of this is wrong. None of it. So I get no closure by hurting her, ever.

But hey... The sex was great.
Thank you, this makes me feel so much better. I've been dating an entitled emotional teenager for almost a year that occasionally likes to rage when she gets a few drinks in her, hence I have been feeling like an idiot for not breaking up with her lately, but your story just lifted my spirits. 4 year old relationship with a verbal and physical abuser that dealt drugs and neglected her autistic child? I suddenly feel vindicated.. I can't believe you stuck around four years just because of sex, so what was it really?

P.S: Seriously though, North American women are fucked in the head. 50+% are fucked up with serious Daddy issues because of the huge amount of divorces. Throw in the brainwashing contributed by vapid reality TV that glorifies parasitic demon females and we've got an epidemic of crazy on our hands.


Molten Core Raider
She isn't crazy, she's a massive piece of shit. Kudos, you just described one of the worst human beings I can imagine.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
P.S: Seriously though, North American women are fucked in the head. 50+% are fucked up with serious Daddy issues because of the huge amount of divorces. Throw in the brainwashing contributed by vapid reality TV that glorifies parasitic demon females and we've got an epidemic of crazy on our hands.
Women all over the world are fucked up, just in different ways.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
thanks for sharing, Kudos. God speed in your next relationships and don't let her problems plague you!


<Gold Donor>
Thank you, this makes me feel so much better. I've been dating an entitled emotional teenager for almost a year that occasionally likes to rage when she gets a few drinks in her, hence I have been feeling like an idiot for not breaking up with her lately, but your story just lifted my spirits. 4 year old relationship with a verbal and physical abuser that dealt drugs and neglected her autistic child? I suddenly feel vindicated.. I can't believe you stuck around four years just because of sex, so what was it really?

P.S: Seriously though, North American women are fucked in the head. 50+% are fucked up with serious Daddy issues because of the huge amount of divorces. Throw in the brainwashing contributed by vapid reality TV that glorifies parasitic demon females and we've got an epidemic of crazy on our hands.
Find a South African bikini model and go from there. Some of them don't even know who the Kardashians are (and haven't ever seen plasma tvs in person).

And 50% is awfully generous. I'd say its closer to 80+. Seriously. If you go out on a typical Friday night and chat up 10 girls, at BEST 1 would be fit to date. At the absolute best. I'd say that is an exception as well. The older women get, the better they are at masking their retardation as well. I've been to like 8 weddings in the past few years of close, personal friends and maybe 1 of them made a sound, logical decision on who he's spending the rest of his life with (and she isn't all that cute either). The others? I weep for their future.