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When you want to maintain 100% of the birth control decisions in the relationships, condoms feel awesome.

Also, when we first met I was getting 3 blowjobs a day. I mean life was great. It just slowly went to shit over time as the crazy got more and more intense.


Got something right about marriage
Definitely smart move using condoms 100% of the time with the crazy broad. But I hope you incinerated them or otherwise unretrievably disposed of them after the fact


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Most women that hit 30+ are post-wall women who were whores and didn't settle down in their 20's. You do not want a 30+ year old woman. She is used up and most likely a self-entitled gold digger or her biological clock is ticking and she just wants you for your jizz. Perhaps her job was more important than finding a mate. How do you think she will treat a relationship? You will come 2nd or 3rd. Do not fall for these women. 30+ year old women are easy sex and that's it.

Men age like wine in the dating world. Hitting 30+ as a man (or even late 20's sometimes) is pussy heaven. Women age like milk. Get them fresh or throw them away.
What!? Just some advice.. when you meet a girl in her 30's dig a bit.. Most of the ones I have met either were in 2 long term relationships in her 20's or have some high level of education and are looking for the right guy to "complete" their life. Of course there are a lot of whores too but they were there in their teens and 20's too. What defines a whore now a days anyway? lol.. She might sleep with you but not your friend or some other guy on the first date.. does that make her a whore?

Frenzied Wombat

Potato del Grande
You can have your cake and eat it too:

1) Locate birth control pill packet. Typical location is usually bathroom or in the kitchen
2) Monitor BC packet consumption daily ensuring no pills are missed. If current, proceed to step 4. If not current, proceed to step 3.
3) Falcon punch her
4) Continue Rawdogging

Of course, if you actually don't trust her rather than being it being case of forgetfulness that's another story--she could be flushing them down the toilet. How women "forget" to take their BC is beyond me. I manage to remember to take my vitamins every morning despite the fact that forgetting to do so won't result in me having to shit a pumpkin our of my arse 9 months down the road.


My planned strategy has always been abandon condom as soon as relationship is steady, and rely on manipulating them into having an abortion if anything goes wrong. So far this strategy is untested. And I might have an illegitimate half yellow child out there somewhere


Note to self, never, EVER google "Abortion frequent card" again regardless of how funny you think it would be in a thread.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
I don't understand how "amazing sex" and "condoms" can exist in the same paragraph. Now don't get me wrong, I certainly don't condone risky unprotected sex, and have bagged my Willie more times than I can count, but in a long-term (supposedly) monogamous relationship?

I tried dating a chick once that couldn't take the pill because she said it made her "crazy", but after three months of bagging it I just couldn't take it anymore. It just made the sex bleh and the thought of never being able to go RawDog again was extremely depressing.
I like condoms. My wife had to beg me to stop using them. I like how they feel on my dick. Hell, half the time, I jerk off wearing a condom.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
A big rule of thumb for me is I treat a girl the way she treats me. People tend to treat/care for people the way they want to be treated. I do the same with texting.. Funny.. I have a girl that comes over and cuts my hair and yesterday she was over complaining about how the guy she's been talking to uses smiley faces with every text and how much it was a put off.. She never uses them.. If he would of just matched her, he'd probably be going out on a date with her but instead she's annoyed by him. lol the little things that throw a woman off.


Make America's Team Great Again
<Gold Donor>
Is this while you sit on the bowl of the toilet, not the seat?
That's just stupid, why would you jerk off while taking a dump? Does fecal matter turn you on? Pro tip, don't put that in your dating profile unless it's a site geared towards freaks.


<Gold Donor>
That's just stupid, why would you jerk off while taking a dump? Does fecal matter turn you on? Pro tip, don't put that in your dating profile unless it's a site geared towards freaks.
This post is much better if you visualize the person saying it the way I do.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
With the way some of you weirdos describe the pleasure you get from pooping, I'm surprised you aren't having an orgasm at the same time.


Molten Core Raider
A big rule of thumb for me is I treat a girl the way she treats me. People tend to treat/care for people the way they want to be treated. I do the same with texting.. Funny.. I have a girl that comes over and cuts my hair and yesterday she was over complaining about how the guy she's been talking to uses smiley faces with every text and how much it was a put off.. She never uses them.. If he would of just matched her, he'd probably be going out on a date with her but instead she's annoyed by him. lol the little things that throw a woman off.

Smiley's and other emoticons for me are a way of imparting tone or emotion to test/email/written whatever. So basically she's put off by a guy trying to show that he's smiling. Sounds like the type of girl that probably bitches about everything 24/7

guy_001 - "Hey I had a great time last night
girl- wtf is with the smiley. He can forget a second date.

guy_002 - "Hey whore, meet me at 8. Gonna put it in your pooper"
girl - Wow, he's so confident. "Can't wait

I'll never understand women.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
It's not the first time I've heard the smiley thing.. Some girls just don't like it for some reason..It's crazy that it was a deal breaker for her. ha best thing is he's probably sending shit like "Hope you're having a good day:)" and she's rolling her eyes lol


<Gold Donor>
What kind of man sends smiley faces though - the girl was smart to run as far away as possible. Its almost as cheesy as using "lol" "wtf" "omg". This shouldn't be too difficult to figure out, but some men are idiots.


Got something right about marriage
I let the woman dictate smiley usage. If she opens the floodgates I am obliged to respond in kind. I'd be willing to bet that same girl who complained about him using smileys uses them with the guys she's actually into. She just wasn't that into this dude.


Alright chums; I got the # of a Hooters waitress tonight. She seems to be a no nonsense puerto rican chick. Problem is she has a kid and baby daddy seems to still be around in some fashion (she doesn't want him though from what I've gathered). Should I bother or not?

I will probably be the oldest guy she has dated. She is 20(or maybe it was 22). When I told her I was 27 her fucking eyes lit up like Christmas.

"Do you have your shit together?"

Why yes... yes I do.

History tells me girls with kids will try extra hard so that's a bonus.