You created one exception to your belief, your mother the fucking black dick riding whore. You are the one who said women CAN'T control their limbic system no matter what.I didn't explain it poorly. I gave you a specific and concrete timeline of women's biological script compared to their physical attractiveness and how that script plays out from their early 20s to upper 30s. I explained to you even how women explain this script: the euphemisms they (unconsciously) use to say they've 'matured', when really it's their bodies that have matured past their prime, and they can't secure the same attention at 35 that they could at 21. I explained all of this more than once. And in fact, here I am explaining it again.
I also explained to you the role of feminism vs the societal constructs that have traditionally controlled hypergamy, that curtailed lots of women from slutting it up every weekend. As I said, those have been lifted.
For the bazillionth time, I have been concrete and crystal clear in everything I've said. If you don't understand what I'm saying by now, the task falls to you to go back, re-read, and think more critically because I can't explain any more lucidly.
Seethis postto begin your homework.
Edit - Tell us dumbass how this brief period in our culture was enough to subdue your whore of a mother but before that and after all women were/are whores?