20% is required to avoid PMI.I forget the actual % down you need to avoid PMI.
That's not entirely true. My future (at the time) wife and I made settlement on our house, January '08. It's a town house, and we did this right before the bubble burst. We managed to get 100% financing with 3.8% APR. We still had to cover closing costs though. This gave us $196k to pay off. Our mortgage started off at the $1750 mark, but we would toss $2k in every month just to pay it down faster.The fact that you have no savings means you're not ready to own, plain and simple. Don't take that the wrong way, but if you can't throw down a couple grand without thinking about it, you honestly aren't going to be able to handle the homeowner thing. Shit breaks, shit leaks, you have GOT to be able to absorb that or you are fucked, straight up, no questions asked.
The math is reality friend. You're making an emotional appraisal that is entirely missing out on the mathematical reality. At face value the concept of a paid off house and no related debt sounds amazing, but debt itself is meaningless in comparison to net worth, and holds even less meaning when debt interest is earning less than your investment interest. Your entirely ignoring the concept of opportunity cost as it pertains on how you spend your theoretical $1000 surplus per month. It doesn't matter if something "goes wrong" over the course of 30 years-- whether it be job loss or some other cataclysm. If you took all the money you could have saved and used it to pay off your mortgage in 15 years, then lost your job in year 16, you are still fucked because you may own your house, but you zero savings to pay for day to day living, property taxes, etc. Now if you had taken all that money that you were going to use to pay off your mortgage, and invested it over the course of 15 years, when you lose your job in year 16, not only could you now pay off your mortgage entirely if you wanted to in one fell swoop (because you effectively saved all the money that paid it off in the previous scenario), BUT YOU'D ALSO HAVE THOUSANDS IN SURPLUS DUE TO INTEREST YOU WOULD NOT HAVE EARNED IF YOU USED ALL THAT MONEY TO PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE.Yeah, except there's 2 things at odds here. There's math, and there's reality.
Unfortunately, reality doesn't give a shit how good your math is when you lose your job and you still have a gigantic mortgage payment.
You don't think there's just a tiny chance shit can go wrong over the course of 30 years? I guarantee you it will go wrong multiple times, in ways you couldn't even imagine before it happened.
This is only true if you invest and don't touch the invested money that you would have used to pay down debt.The math is reality friend. You're making an emotional appraisal that is entirely missing out on the mathematical reality. At face value the concept of a paid off house and no related debt sounds amazing, but debt itself is meaningless in comparison to net worth, and holds even less meaning when debt interest is earning less than your investment interest. Your entirely ignoring the concept of opportunity cost as it pertains on how you spend your theoretical $1000 surplus per month. It doesn't matter if something "goes wrong" over the course of 30 years-- whether it be job loss or some other cataclysm. If you took all the money you could have saved and used it to pay off your mortgage in 15 years, then lost your job in year 16, you are still fucked because you may own your house, but you zero savings to pay for day to day living, property taxes, etc. Now if you had taken all that money that you were going to use to pay off your mortgage, and invested it over the course of 15 years, when you lose your job in year 16, not only could you now pay off your mortgage entirely if you wanted to in one fell swoop (because you effectively saved all the money that paid it off in the previous scenario), BUT YOU'D ALSO HAVE THOUSANDS IN SURPLUS DUE TO INTEREST YOU WOULD NOT HAVE EARNED IF YOU USED ALL THAT MONEY TO PAY OFF YOUR MORTGAGE.
Yeah well obviously everything changes if you have zero self control and instead of investing your mortgage payment you blow it on cars and vacations. At that point you can no longer compare the two scenarios as they are totally different-- one your are paying down you mortgage and the other you decide to blow it on stupid shit.. There isn't even an opportunity cost that you can calculate anymore because the latter scenario has little to no value. It's like arguing that you aren't going to pay down your $10,000 20% interest credit card bill and instead are going to put it into your 401k, just because the 401K does auto withdrawal while if you had the cash on hand instead you wouldn't have the willpower to pay down your CC, instead showing no restraint and running out and buying a 4K gaming rig instead.This is only true if you invest and don't touch the invested money that you would have used to pay down debt.
Unfortunately most people see this money as "LETS TAKE VACATIONS WE ARE RICH WOOOO!" and thus you have 50 anecdotes about how its better to pay down debt first.
In an ideal world you are 100% correct but most people have no self control when it comes to money so giving them a nice fat piggy bank to raid when they get spendy is a bad idea.
Believe me I agree with you; the reality is just that most people don't have that self control so if they sock their money away in their house where they can't spend it, they're ultimately better off. The best advice to give someone is to realize what kind of person you're dealing with and give advice accordingly.Yeah well obviously everything changes if you have zero self control and instead of investing your mortgage payment you blow it on cars and vacations. At that point you can no longer compare the two scenarios as they are totally different-- one your are paying down you mortgage and the other you decide to blow it on stupid shit.. There isn't even an opportunity cost that you can calculate anymore because the latter scenario has little to no value. It's like arguing that you aren't going to pay down your $10,000 20% interest credit card bill and instead are going to put it into your 401k, just because the 401K does auto withdrawal while if you had the cash on hand instead you wouldn't have the willpower to pay down your CC, instead showing no restraint and running out and buying a 4K gaming rig instead.
By all means, if you don't have any self control to take the money you would use to pay down your mortgage and put it in investments and not touch it, then yes make the poor financial choice because you cant be responsible.