ReRolled Minecraft Server III


Molten Core Raider
We will be seeing mods for 1.6 done soon. The first one has been released and if the others are any where near as awesome as this update of computercraft I am beside myself in anticipation. Here is the modspotlight by direwolf20...Mod Spotlight: ComputercraftIt is the greatest up date to a mod I have seen to date. It's a great time to be getting into modded MC if you haven't already! MC is about to be revolutionized by these new changes, imo.


haha there's another ender dragon?? nice.
That ender dragon in question is not nice :p It can fly through the mountain which is at the (current) end of that minecart track..

Someone go on a quest to slay the mighty Dragon! Again .. Now in the real world!


There are a few Wither bosses and one or two more dragons still up on the server. ^_^


I dont mind the bosses, but that dragon flying through/attacking through solid rock is a slight annoyance
(EDIT: because I'm not strong enough to kill it !)


So, I think I am pretty much screwed. The map will not go beyond the Loading World Building Terrain no matter what I have tried. This issue is all over the internet but it mainly refers to a save game not showing up in the world select menu. I can load my world up fine in MCEdit, can fly around, go over to my house and quarry and see my player inside my house right where I crashed this morning and everything seems fine in the world. Not really sure what else to do at this point. I don't mind starting over but am concerned that the same corruption may occur again at some point.
I cannot imagine the world will not load with ANY of the chunk files. You can't have all of your chunks corrupted at the same time. If you tried with each chunk file individually and it still did not work I would look into specialty blocks like chunk loaders - these will fuck up your game half the time but you can take them out in MCEdit if you find their IDs (forgot their names, they exist in several of the mods in Tekkit and FTB packs). Or disable mods one at a time (this can fuck up your game worse than it is so back up everything, plugins and all).


Molten Core Raider
I started messing with a new pack a couple days ago. I decided to start with a cool base right off the bat so I built one in creative mode. Here are some pics of what I have done so far. I will be adding a big floating island underneath the parts that don't currently connect with an island.

This is going to be the front of my house. I am going to be putting in a huge entrance but I haven't figured out exactly what I want to do yet.

These are my balconies. I am thinking of doing the same thing on the other side.

This is the back of my house. No idea what I want to do here yet either.

Other side where I am thinking of putting balconies, too.

What do you all think?


I cannot imagine the world will not load with ANY of the chunk files. You can't have all of your chunks corrupted at the same time. If you tried with each chunk file individually and it still did not work I would look into specialty blocks like chunk loaders - these will fuck up your game half the time but you can take them out in MCEdit if you find their IDs (forgot their names, they exist in several of the mods in Tekkit and FTB packs). Or disable mods one at a time (this can fuck up your game worse than it is so back up everything, plugins and all).
That could be it because I am using Item Tesseracts to trasfer items from my quarry back to my house and Liquid Tesseracts to move biofuel out to my quarry to power my biofuel generators. I also have a dimensional anchor at my house to keep things going while I am out screwing off in the world. I will go into MCEdit tonight and try to manually delete those items and see if that fixes my problem. No matter what I did last night including blowing my regions away resolved the issue.

I am also torn on what to play next if this doesn't resolve the issue. FTB is still on 1.4.7 in it's official mod packs and 1.5.2 on their beta pack. However, they are saying you will need to wipe your world in a couple weeks if you goto 1.5.2 beta now. I may just go back to a clean install of Tekkit with a couple minor modifications and play that again.


Molten Core Raider
I have seen it all now. This is what wondered into my house as I was working on it.



@Menion Play this pack.Wylker's Tekkit PackIt has EVERYTHING... I can't wait to get my house done so I can actually get to work on the fun things in this pack. Also when you go to make your world turn on cheats and as soon as you get in the game type /gamerule mobGriefing false You'll thank me for it later lol


Update, Rerolled III SMP map going live tomorrow 07/18/2013 (It could be as late as 6 or 7pm EST) I will be protecting some key walls near spawn so people can't grab items from frames etc.

?Hoppers and Hopper Carts are disabled. (The exploit with them still exists)
?No lava buckets allowed. (However, using a dispenser with a lava bucket inside it will dispense lava).
?Fire spread is disabled.
?TNT blocks are not usable. (However, using a dispenser with TNT inside it will dispense it).
?Some spells have been adjusted to have block damage. (Explosive Arrow for example currently on RRII cannot damage blocks, but will be enabled on RRIII)
?Enderman greifing is disabled. (They cannot tear blocks from the world).
?Creeper block damaged is disabled (They can still harm you if they assplode. I've slightly increased the damage modifier from Creeper explosions).
?ALL spells now have some form of reagents to cast. (Carpet will no longer be inifite duration, also Leap and Blink has been modified).
?The map size will increase on 07/25/2013 to a radius of 1000m

I will be testing all morning to check for discrepancies with permissions. If anyone finds any bugs or something you think you shouldn't be able to do; please PM here on the forums with the details. You can also send in game mail by typing /mail

As people begin to log on there will be a demand to have their projects moved over from RRII, please keep in mind it can take some time to copy over large structures so please bear with me as I will most likely be overwhelmed with people asking to move things. I assure you I will copy over anything you need but it could take time. My suggestion is that you take some time to explore the new world and find an area in which you would like to build something new/have something copied to.


Molten Core Raider
Finally got my house done... I will NEVER understand how people can find building shit like this fun... so fucking tedious... but any who here are the pics.






Now to the actual fun part! Making machines rooms, labs, and other such goodies! The attic is the same size as the whole rest of the house almost so that's where I am going to build my solar/steam power plant to get me started off. I am also going to add all kinds of basements and that's where all my sorting stuff is going to go. The rest of the stuff like my thaumcraft room I am going to build far away from my house and either use portals or dimensional doors to get back and forth between my base and it like I am going to do with my bee, tree, and food farms. It's cool having a decent house I guess but I am so glad to have it done and move on, though. I still hate aesthetic building in MC... which is funny since I am a landscaper/grader by profession and passion but they are nothing alike in my head so *shrugs* hehe


Forgot to say what I built my house out of... the outside bricks are abyssal bricks, the floor is chiseled bone, the glowing blocks that look like the bone bricks are actually chiseled glow stone bricks, the roof is blood soaked bricks, the fences are made from ebony, and the ceilings are infernal bricks. So it's my evil lair! muhahaha! hehe


Looks nice Cam. Finally got all my crap back. I had to recreate my old world then I had to go into MCEdit and export all my structures then import them back into my new world. Now I just need to figure out how to auto-backup my shit so that this does not happen again.


<Bronze Donator>
Hey! I would like to play.. Dunno what I'm doing yet really, started a week ago but what better way to learn no?//


I'm Amod too!
Finally got my house done... I will NEVER understand how people can find building shit like this fun... so fucking tedious... but any who here are the pics.
My last base was inside a giant glass globe... that I made a Turtle build for me. I still like the creative building aspect but I also try finding ways inside of the mods to do some of the work for me. Using things like Turtles, BC Fillers and Builders (before they disabled builders /mourn). Calclavia's new take on MFFS looks like it has some potential here as well.


What the best process for getting stuff moved over? Post here, PM or in game?
If you see me in game and ask for things to be moved cross server you will be added to my list. Once ready we will meet on RRII to plan what to copy.

If you don't want to wait you can post exact coordinates in a PM to me.

For example:

McDouche please copy from x127 y66 z200 to x157 y80 z250.

If your structure requires more precise copying it may require us to spend time on RRII mapping it out.

Above all, this is a first come first serve process. I will be ignoring posts in this thread requesting things to be copied. I will only respond to PMs


Other information regarding copying.

Once I have copied your structure it will be saved on my servers as a schematic. This schematic can then be placed at will at any time. So there's no need to rush on finding a spot to build.

Livestock will not be copied over. (Limitation of application)
Item frames will not be copied over. (Limitation of application)

Edit, yes my signature has the new IP listed. However no one is white-listed yet. I will post here when everything is all set.