Resident Evil 2 (2019)


Trakanon Raider
Finished Leon B(too many games, + work crunch time) really good but man the B-side stuff is rough was badly limited on ammo for everything till near the end of NEST.


Avatar of War Slayer
I did Leon A Claire B too, both on hardcore.

I had so much ammo and health items at the end of Claire B. The grenade launcher is OP.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
How's that even possible? It's sitting there right in front of you before the final boss.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
See thats the problem. Hunters used to take 3-4 shotgun shells to kill, whether you shot them in the head or not. Barry's Magnum would reliably 2 shot them basically every time. .357 ammo was low (or was it a .44 I dont remember).

They should have added additional weapons besides the .45 or whatever you get in the second story. The Grenade Launcher for Claire is lol, they could have added an AR 15 Assault Rifle weapon for both characters as well as a semi auto hunting rifle like in RE4. I dont understand the limited access to weapons.


I don't think the original had that many weapons either.
Leon had the handgun, magnum, shotgun, flamethrower
Claire had the handgun, crossbow, spark shot, grenade launcher

I think they both could get the machine gun...or at least one could, if you took it for Claire, Leon couldn't etc.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Finished Leon A last night. Think I'm going to replay it and see if I can get a S rank for the infinite ammo pistol and get all the raccoon statues I missed the first go around. After that though, is there a proper order to doing the story modes? Beating Leon A opened up Claire B but I havent played through Claire A yet. Should I just jump into B or do Claire A first? Does it even matter from a story standpoint?


Vyemm Raider
Finished Leon A last night. Think I'm going to replay it and see if I can get a S rank for the infinite ammo pistol and get all the raccoon statues I missed the first go around. After that though, is there a proper order to doing the story modes? Beating Leon A opened up Claire B but I havent played through Claire A yet. Should I just jump into B or do Claire A first? Does it even matter from a story standpoint?

Here's the differences and similarities between Leon A and Claire A (a few spoilers below but nothing that spoils the major plot points). Since you played Leon already I'm mostly hiding the Claire spoilers. If you really want to avoid spoilers, I put a TL;DR at the bottom to just say my opinion of what you should do next. If you want a more detailed breakdown, read below.

- Same short run to the police station for both characters.
- Same police station puzzles but different keys let you in different rooms for Leon or Claire, and they get different weapons.
- Leon never gets the Heart Key and Claire never gets the Crank and the Club Key so don't go crazy looking for them like me!
- Same first boss fight.
- Different plot points in the parking lot, different enemies in the area (Lickers for Claire, Cerberus for Leon)
- Different ways to get the electric parts for different plot reasons for Claire and Leon.

At this point the stories diverge greatly for a bit :

- Leon goes to Kendo Gun Shop with Ada followed by Giant Gator sequence.
- Claire's sidekick character has a gameplay sequence in another exclusive area versus the exclusive plot character for Claire.
- Claire has quite a walk in the Raccoon streets, Leon never has that part.
- Once Claire joins with her sidekick character again, Mr. X stops showing up for Claire but will keep coming after Leon the whole game.
- Leon's sidekick character has an exclusive gameplay sequence.

The stories then become very similar again :

- After the initial sewer part exclusive to Leon, both characters have the same chess plug puzzle and sewer areas.
- Leon gets the flamethrower and Claire gets the electric rifle in the king/queen puzzle room.
- Both characters fight the same boss (with the crane and container)
- Both characters take the cable car to NEST.
- NEST is almost entirely the same for both characters except exclusive plot related to the sidekick characters and exclusive cinematics.
- Same boss fight after you reach the objective (getting the virus sample for Leon and something else for Claire)

The stories diverge again at this point :

- Self-destruct sequence activates, Leon has an exclusive boss fight before the end, and Claire has another.
- Same ending, and same post-credits stinger.

The B run for either Leon or Claire changes the following :

- Different way to reach the police station, you get different weapons at the very start on either character, and there are more enemies.
- The police station is much shorter, only really requires you do the 3 statue puzzle.
- Mr. X is already active in the police station right from the start but only triggers if you go near the STARS office, make sure you avoid that until you're ready for him.
- After that, the whole game goes exactly like the A run for either character until the very end.
- You get an extra boss at the very end, it's the same on both characters.
- You get the true ending cinematic.

TL;DR : Enough differences in Leon and Claire stories to play both, I recommend playing one character A and the other B since the main plot points and all exclusive cinematics are in both A and B runs for both characters, plus you get the extra final boss and the true ending that way. If Mr. X puts you on edge, you get a lot less of him in the Claire runs, but the downside is she never gets the flamethrower so the plant-zombies are more annoying to kill permanently (basically takes a flame grenade once they're down, while Leon can kill ALL the plant-zombies in the whole NEST with a single 200 fuel canister if you use it properly (short bursts)).
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Trakanon Raider
Acid rounds also kill the plant based zombies pretty good, and the Infinite Mini-gun/Rocket Launcher(they both get them) is fun too mess with afterwards..


Ssraeszha Raider
Finished Leon A and Claire B

So overall, this has been one of the funnest games I’ve played in a while. The anticipation was well justified. While I do have some minor nitpicks about AI difficulty and attack patterns, it wasn’t enough to unbalance the fun of playing.

However, after playing through both scenarios, my biggest issue is going to be the lack of consistency in the plot as it pertains to having a Character A/Character B system.

In the original RE2, there is a clear chain of cutscenes and gameplay that establishes that the B scenario is what that character was doing while the other character was doing the A scenario.

1:William 2nd mutation discards the metal pipe in scenario A, you see how he acquires the pipe in scenario B during the fight with his first mutation
2: scenario B character has to bring the cargo elevator back up after the A character used it to go down into the laboratory, which also results in cargo elevator overheating from multiple uses, forcing the B character to go through a slightly different route to get into the lab proper

The remake sadly, does a very poor job of conveying this

William first mutation is fought by both characters in the exact same location. The same goes for his second and third mutations.

Tyrant is killed by William 2nd mutation about halfway through Claire B, but still shows up later on in Leon A without even any signs of damage to his clothing. Even a quick cinematic showing how there’s more than one tyrant could have explained this.

Annette dies in Leon’s A scenario and Claire’s B scenario with no continuity between the two. Even original had a cutscene that shows Annette dying in Claire B from injuries she sustained in Leon A

Those are just some of the more notable examples. The only reason it’s a low spot in an otherwise incredible game is because this is a remake and they knew well in advance that there was going to be a Scenario A/B system

And don’t get me wrong: I still hold to the opinion that this is a GOTY contender, it’s just missing a little polish.


Vyemm Raider
However, after playing through both scenarios, my biggest issue is going to be the lack of consistency in the plot as it pertains to having a Character A/Character B system.

Most of your points are valid nitpicks on the consistency, it also slightly bugged me but I think it was a very much informed decision by Capcom to let people decide what they want to be canon, since there's been debates about Claire A / Leon B being canon over other combinations for 20 years... Plus it's cheaper and less work to have all your epic moments in both scenarios, and they do still have one exclusive boss fight in each.

That said, one of your points has a logic answer that you only find out in RE3 (or in an original cutscene from RE2 that was cut from this game) : Umbrella dropped multiple Tyrants on Raccoon City to terminate survivors and retrieve samples.

The original cutscene in RE2 showed an Umbrella chopper dropping a cryo-pod containing the Tyrant, but was also shown carrying 4 pods. And later in another game (RE3 I believe or maybe Outbreak), you run into a warehouse that's been mostly destroyed and it contains several dead USBC commandos and several dead Tyrants..

So when I saw Claire's Tyrant get killed and then Leon fights him again, I figured they were two different Tyrants, but I however do agree that it's not really explained at all in the game and that having more than one kind of cheapens the character of "Mr. X".

Still, as you said, an incredible game!
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Ssraeszha Raider
That said, one of your points has a logic answer that you only find out in RE3 (or in an original cutscene from RE2 that was cut from this game) : Umbrella dropped multiple Tyrants on Raccoon City to terminate survivors and retrieve samples.

The original cutscene in RE2 showed an Umbrella chopper dropping a cryo-pod containing the Tyrant, but was also shown carrying 4 pods. And later in another game (RE3 I believe or maybe Outbreak), you run into a warehouse that's been mostly destroyed and it contains several dead USBC commandos and several dead Tyrants..

Still, as you said, an incredible game!

Crap, I prob should have specified that yes, I was aware that the original RE2 does show a chopper with multiple containers with multiple Tyrants. It explains why there are more at the RPD building during Hunk's scenario


Those new survivor campaigns gave me some trouble, I'm not as good at this game as I thought lol


Ssraeszha Raider
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