Suck a fat dick.
Says the hypocrite piece of shit that tried to perpetually ban me from the forums because you didn't like what I said but couldn't actually offer any valid argument to refute it. God damn you're such a pathetic loser it's ridiculous.@Lightning Lord Rule I just saw your post on the moved thread or I wouldn't have tagged amod in my previous post. So because something was tried in the past and failed (any number of times) the response is to just nuke a thread because someone might be a dick in the future? How about rather we enforce the rules that encompass the grown-up section if something occurs rather than fucking those who were actually using the thread to have a civilized discussion?
Its almost like a gift from God. In the midst of debate over whether or not there should be an adult version of the /pol thread Lumi shows up and provides divine evidence to support my case. I love you Lumi. Even if you are a holocaust denying, anti-Semitic piece of shit.Says the hypocrite piece of shit that tried to perpetually ban me from the forums because you didn't like what I said but couldn't actually offer any valid argument to refute it. God damn you're such a pathetic loser it's ridiculous.
The Jews living in Israel right now are not semites you fucking retard.Its almost like a gift from God. In the midst of debate over whether or not there should be an adult version of the /pol thread Lumi shows up and provides divine evidence to support my case. I love you Lumi. Even if you are a holocaust denying, anti-Semitic piece of shit.
The Jews living in Israel right now are not semites you fucking retard.
My point is how the fuck can you be an anti semite against people who aren't even semites. I've been pretty close friends with several Jews and even one of them denies the Holocaust. The only thing I hate is liars. Falsely accusing Germans of a crime they didn't commit means you hate Germans right?What is even your point? That you don't hate all semites or that your hatred isn't limited to them? Are you an anti-semite+?
Oh well shit. He's got a jewish friendSanrith Descartes did you hear that? There's no way he's anti semite.
You don't know his jewish friends so don't ask who they are.
תודהSanrith Descartes , Ha’makom yenahem etkhem betokh she’ar avelei Tziyonvi’Yerushalayim
Denying an event that never occurred doesn't make you an antisemite you absolute retard. There is overwhelming evidence that it did not occur. You're an anti Germanite.Oh well shit. He's got a jewish friendSanrith Descartes did you hear that? There's no way he's anti semite.
You don't know his jewish friends so don't ask who they are.
What do you thinkDenying an event that never occurred doesn't make you an antisemite you absolute retard. There is overwhelming evidence that it did not occur. You're an anti Germanite.
Like Chris Rock once said, there's black people and then there's joggers. I don't hate black people but I do hate joggers. It's the same thing with Jews. Some Jews are cool and then some are sub human scum like yourself and those that fabricated the Holocaust and commit genocide against other non Jews. You're basically the Jew version of a jogger.
Guys, lumi is all an act. Hes PRETENDING to be retarded
I don't hate black people but I do hate joggers. It's the same thing with Jews.
lol. So just tell us who the good ones are. Maybe they can all wear a badge of some sort for easy identification later on.